Hi all, I'm new here, I just signed up today because I decided I wanted to get more serious about recording. So I've worked with computers for a very long time. I know how they work, I know how to built them, and I write software for them. I also play the drums, and guitar. Having a couple of mics around ($10 walmart microphones and the ones that come with guitar hero) I experimented with recording my drums. And found it didn't sound all the great. Having a couple of extra computers around I decided to build a (small) recording studio in my basement. So I saved up and bought small mixer (Behringer 802, 8 input, 2-bus. Two mic preamp-amps), 4 mics (1X Shure c606 vocal mic and 3 Behringer XM1800S mics), USB audio interface (Behringer U-Control UCA 202), and some cables. Probably dropped 200 bucks total, so not a whole lot.
As I don't get a lot of money (200$ a week or so, and half goes into savings for school) I didn't buy super expensive mics and mixers, caught a lot of them on sale too. I also have a Fender Frontman 15G 15 watt amp, with a Digitech RP200AV effect/pedal board and a cheap Spectrum electric guitar. My drums are Gammon 5 peice. 3 toms crash and high-hat.
The recording software I have at my disposal is Audacity, FL studio (not really recording) and Cakewalk Sonar 8. Though Sonar sounds very choppy and produces a lot of artifacts and static (that I know aren't in the sound file itself), like when you have to lower/increase your sample rate. I know FL studio and Audacity very well, but I know almost nothing about Sonar.
The genre I'm looking to record is Death Metal. Lots of blast beats, Heavy guitar sounds, and very deep growls for vocals. My kick drum doesn't sound very "bassy" or "deep". But I don't know if that's a muffling technique that I need to get down or in the recording.
So I guess my question is, judging by my setup and situation, would anyone have some tips on how to record very well? Right now I have 1 mic pointed at my snare, one opposite pointed at my crash and floor top, another near my two higher toms, and one getting the kick (the C606 is getting the kick) And it sounds alright. But is there anything I could be doing mic/mixer wise that will help? And what software should I use? To record guitar I place the C606 in front of the amp, and turn down the gain on the amp a little? With what I'm doing right now, things sound kind of lifeless, if you know what I'm saying. Almost as if you're listening through a tube (but not horribly bad).
Any input is appreciated, sorry for my very long first post.
May I say, that I did not expect to get horribly amazing sound quality out of what I've bough, as it was only 200 bucks. But I would just like to know if there is any way to help my sound quality.
Edit Edit:
oops, it seems as though there is a "home recording" area. If this thread is in the wrong place, could a mod please move it? Sorry if this is in the wrong place.
Alright thanks. I do a lot of forums, so after the first day of
Alright thanks. I do a lot of forums, so after the first day of no replies (with a forum of this caliber) I knew my question was to broad. Thanks for the info.
As of know, I'm reading "Slipperman's Recording Distorted Guitar's From Hell" and now plan to read the tutorial you suggested. Thanks for the help.
While I'm here, I'd like to ask a less broad question, without having to start a new thread. I understand that a good acoustically treated room is important, but what exactly does it do that is good, other than make it sound better?
Slipperman if you can get by his ego and language contains some
Slipperman if you can get by his ego and language contains some great info. Here is a link to a guitar amp mic placement article that has sound clips.
[[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.soundons…"]Guitar Amp Recording[/]="http://www.soundons…"]Guitar Amp Recording[/]
In the end you will find you are limited somewhat by your equipment and possibly the room buit if you are a beginner that is a ways off. You should be able to get recordings that are quite good out of the gear you have.
However with this (corl45) "Fender Frontman 15G 15 watt amp, with a Digitech RP200AV effect/pedal board and a cheap Spectrum electric guitar" you are going to be hard pressed to get a great tone, so while your recording equipment could be better you are only going to be as good a the tone produced before you hit the red button.
For micing the drums. I raise the overheads up a little and spac
For micing the drums. I raise the overheads up a little and space them to catch the whole kit. Use a close mic on the snare, and two mics on the kick (next to the front head and one next to the beater) Definitly get some better mics to. SM57 are usually pretty good for all around use (Drums, Guitars, and vocals) If you can get a condenser for the room it makes a whole world of difference too.
Drum micing is an art. To start you may find it informative to g
Drum micing is an art. To start you may find it informative to google recorderman drum micing. Recording software should not really make much of a difference in sound, most people choose DAWs for the ease of operation or features they like. You should do a search here on guitar recording there are several excellent threads with good ideas. Remember in order to eat an entire elephant you must do it one bite at a time, so experiment and keep asking questions.