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Hi guys...

I'm close to putting this one in the can - I'm looking for thoughts on the levels of two things... the first is the lead vocal... is it sitting where you would place it if you were mixing the track, and second thing is the ending guitar solo - I haven't edited the performance yet, I'll need to take a blade to it at some point and make sure it's not walking on the vocals - but... is the overall level of the guitar track okay, or does it need to come forward or be pushed back a bit?

Please listen to most recent updated mix in post #7 below. :)


Attached files LLM FULL PRODUCTION RE BUILD JULY 29 2015.mp3 (12.9 MB) 

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DonnyThompson Mon, 08/03/2015 - 23:02

As Chris has recently mentioned, I'm in the trenches now. This is the last mile of the project and this may be the hardest mix I've had to deal with yet out of all the songs. It's also the very first track on the album so I need to make sure that it hits well on a first impression kind of basis.

I understand that there is a lot of mass in this song, there's a lot going on. It's been a real challenge for me to make the tracks work and sit well with each other.

I can say this... I've never been more scared about an album release than I am with this one... not because of the songs or arrangements, because I think those are great. I'm just in panic mode making sure that I've put Terry in the best light possible as an artist. He's a real joy to work with, totally artistic, creative, enthusiastic, open to ideas. He's been the absolute best client I've ever worked with. I owe it to him to do the best possible job I can do.

pcrecord Tue, 08/04/2015 - 03:17

It's hard to help, without sitting down with you in the mixing room and discuss your goals and vision.
If you think having different perspectives on the song is a good idea, I'm willing to make a mix for you (the song or a part of it). Not that yours is bad, but just to have an idea where it could go and be inspired or disgusted with it. I might just help you to confirm if you need to thrustfully use what you got or explore other avenue ;)

DM60 Tue, 08/04/2015 - 04:56

Well Donny, I think you are second guessing yourself. You know how to mix, you know how to engineer, now you need to trust that part of it. Step back, enjoy the song and then ask yourself, "what does it need to be more enjoyable?" It is that simple and that hard.

Nothing I heard (all mixes) sounded bad, it is just a matter of seasoning really. Just don't overthink it.

kmetal Tue, 08/04/2015 - 10:00

D it's just the nerves and the thoughts of potential failure in the future getting to you. Maybe take a listen to the first rough mix you made if this tune. Get back in touch with where your instincts were. It maybe helpful in you figuring out where you went right in these more current mixes.

PJH Wed, 08/05/2015 - 06:53

I have to say that I like the very first version the most. If there was anything that I'd tweak it would be the kick. Compared to the rest of the kit, the kick seems to be a bit "lost" in the mix. The bass guitar is nice and strong and by raising the kick slightly it would round off the bottom end nicely.

That's my 2c worth.

Really nice track and production. I like the guitar tone.



CrazyLuke Fri, 09/18/2015 - 11:35

Yeah, Donny, good track. I think the lead vocals sit on top of the other tracks nicely, but there is a "loneliness" to it. I usually double-track lead vocals, either live, or created through Melodyne, to give it some girth. I've also had some good responses from lead singers when I put a bit of Bob Katz stereolizer on it to have it sit in the middle without such a sharp "point".
The lead vocalist has a "Bowie" vibe to him, and, wow, what a vibrato, timed to the music

CrazyLuke Fri, 09/18/2015 - 15:30

pcrecord, post: 432546, member: 46460 wrote: What do you do to the track in Melodyne ?

Sometimes, the lead vocalist is not available, or is not good enough to double-track their vocals, so I import the lead vocal track into Melodyne and slightly scramble the pitch and timing (and sometimes formant) of each syllable to make a second track, and make it sound like a second take. I check for phase issues, then put it in the mix at a lessor volume to give the lead vox more girth.


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