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I am currently recording using a silver face ADAT and and
Fostex VM200 digital board. I also record some things to
the ADAT with an analog board for warmth but always mix
with the Fostex digital board. The Fostex has an optical
connection to the ADAT (8 tracks in/out) and an optical
S/PDIF in/out to my computer for mastering. The computer
is a 700Mhrz custom box where I master using Soundforge
and burn with Nero. It has Firewire and USB 2 connections,
an E-MU 0404 card (2 analog i/o & optical i/o + an OEM version
of Cubase), a 10GB internal drive with just operational software
and active working files and a 250GB external firewire drive
for storage. Also, a PLEXTOR burner. The OS is Win XP.

I'm now planning the next stage away from tape. I want
to purchase an interface that will allow me to take 8 tracks
of ADAT to the PC where I would like to edit and expand on
those tracks using Cubase (or an equivilant) and do my main
recording on that platform and restrict the ADAT to remote
use. After I upload my ADAT tracks I'd like to use the Fostex
VM200 board using that same ADAT to PC interface.

What do you recommend for the ADAT to PC interface and
which recording software will be most compatible with my
equipment and intentions?



dabmeister music Fri, 10/08/2004 - 13:34

Will the Emu card deliver sample accurate syncronization? I'm not nick picking by no means, just trying to find a solution to a problem I'm also suffering from. I was use to having control over my Adat via DAW s/w. But until I upgraded the OS & upgraded to the latest version of Cubase, I lost that capability. My Adat is connected from a MOTU MTP A/V, so it's locking to the incoming SMPTE generated through the DAW program. I could access the Adats' transport through Cubase, never having to physically touch the Adat worked for me.

anonymous Fri, 10/08/2004 - 15:12

dabmeister music wrote: Will the Emu card deliver sample accurate syncronization?

If you are asking if the Emu card has the 9-pin Adat Sync, it does not. I do not believe the original posters situation would require it either. If you need Adat sync, some of the MOTU interfaces have it, as do the some of the RME products. I run an RME Hammerfall 96/52 card and I love it. Picked it up used for $300.

dabmeister music Tue, 10/12/2004 - 07:13

Hey Big D, I want to ask you about that Adat sync from the Layla to the Adat. So you're saying that the optical connection from the Layla will provide the sync/clock data as well? I knew there was SMPTE & WORD being generated through digital connectivity but never thought of using the Adat optical connection to sync the transport. I know of guys who stripe track 8 w/ the sync data to control their DAW software from the Adat, but I like to do the opposite. I think I have a setup that's pretty close to yours, so I'll give that a try.

Barkingdogstudios Tue, 10/12/2004 - 11:34

I have been considering a similar thing .... synching an Aardvark Q10 to a TASCAM DA-88. Has anyone tried this sort of thing? The TASCAM has the SY-88 synch card in it and can be synchronized via word clock or midi (as well as a couple of others).

Is it as simple as connecting the 'word clock out' from the Aardvark to the DA-88 with a BNC cable? If so, can I use the SONAR transport control to run the DA-88? I realize I would have to format the DA-88 tapes with word clock code.

I'll probably end up trying it I just wondered if anyone has any experience with this and/or suggestions?

Big_D Wed, 10/13/2004 - 18:49

Dabmeister, I'm sorry I haven't checked the DAW forum in a few days. The ADAT belongs to a buddy who does live sound and records the shows. He uses one of my Layla's to get the ADAT into his DAW (all 8 tracks) as he only has a 2 channel card w/ no ADAT.
I know he uses the optical connection and we set the Layla as master clock but I will have to check with him how he sync's the transport to the ADAT. He used to have 2 ADAT's and had them synced through a card in his PC and I believe he had transport control then also.


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