Hi there, new here, just want to see if some of you fine folks would give me some critique and /or tips
of the sonic qualities of some of my recent recordings using the DM-24 into a MOTU 2408 to cakewalks Sonar XL
new to all this DAW stuff playing for years but this is my first attempt at recording and mixing my own stuff.
thanks a bunch
Double Dude, thanks a heap, this is exactly what I was looking f
Double Dude, thanks a heap, this is exactly what I was looking for, constructive critisism !
Thanks a lot,
I think your right on the drums thing too, and the bass , well, Like I said I'm new at this so I think its gonna take a little time to get a good bass sound, but I'm working on it.
'preciate it.
hey thanks all, 'preciate the input. been working on the mixin
hey thanks all, 'preciate the input.
been working on the mixing end to get good all round quality sound from the machine.
so far so good
thanks again, posting some new stuff if anyones interested
thanks again
Your request for critiques of the "sonic quality" of your stuff.
Your request for critiques of the "sonic quality" of your stuff...ok here goes a quick stab after just a few minutes of listening...
I liked what I heard, and I think you get some great guitar sounds. I like the acoustic guitar sound on the second song especially.
I do have a few comments for improvements however, and I think that is what we all want to hear the most about our music from 3rd parties...
The drums need work imho...too much drum reverb on all the songs...they sound mushy to me without enough "snap". Even though the beats differ, they need more variance within the song, and much less reverb...(just my opinion).
I also think the bass is getting buried in the mix somewhere, and needs to be brought out front a bit more to keep the groove going...
Finally, the overall mix sounds a bit squashed to me...maybe over compressed a bit???
Otherwise, a great first effort!