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Anybody have any info on this A/D? Any ideas on price? Opus?



Opus2000 Mon, 07/21/2003 - 15:30

First of all it's the Rosetta 800....not 8000! lol

List price on the 96Khz model is $2,995.00
192Khz model is listed for $3,995.00

It's an amazing sounding box and will have a FireWire option sometime in September.

You can do analog to analog, A/D, D/A as well as complex routing for input and output.

Say you want 1-4 to be analog in and 5-8 to be ADAT problem.

Say you want 1-2 to be analog out and 3-8 to be ADAT problem!

Or you could swap the ADAT for AES in or out!

This thing is going to be HOT!

No true specs yet as it's being finalized very soon!

Opus :D

Opus2000 Tue, 07/22/2003 - 13:00

Ya know...I have to ask this question at this point...

Do you think if I told you there was a difference it would matter? Don't you think that the new design would be better? Or better yet, do you think we would design something that would totally suck? :p

Seriously man...this question comes up all the time and I have to wonder why people ask it?!!!

Opus :roll:

anonymous Tue, 07/22/2003 - 14:07

With all due respect Opus, as much as I appreciate every single of your posts, I'm still not satisfied with your answer to the question Doublehelix asked... We know that you are an employee of Apogee, and thus can not speak about one of your products in any context that would detract it's value to another product... But I consider Apogee to be one of the greatest audio companies today, and think it would be great (and in your best interest too) if you explained every difference between the two products, because we (the customers) appreciate that kind of honesty very much. I too plan to buy Apogee converters very soon, and Roseta 800 seems to be a very good solution,... So,... shoot (and hopefully clear the things out) ! :) Cheers mate !

Opus2000 Tue, 07/22/2003 - 16:24


I answered this post in that way because of my history with James and the fact that I was sort of riding him as well....

In short, yes, I am an Apogee employee but remember here I am geek :D

I myself have yet to truly compare the Rosetta 800
to the other products. In the long run I can tell you that the Rosetta is an awesome sounding unit.

It's functionality in itself should be the decision making product.

To let you know it was not designed to be an SE version butthat doesn't mean anything in the long run.

Also remember that each product has it's own features and design concepts.

Converters in the long run are only a fraction of the components and the sound of the unit. The circuitry around the converters and the power supply itself is the winning combination that make it what it behaves like!

The A/D on the Rosetta is configurable for +24, +20 and -10 operation as well as the D/A side.

So your headroom is quite expansive as you can see(or hear :D )

Typically when people call up and ask this same question it's more of an opinion and each person has their own biased and experienced point of view.

I could tell you the Rosetta's quality is far superior to the AD-16 when another person here at Apogee would say it's the same!

When and "if" I do compare the products to this one I'll let you know.

All I can say now is that the thing sounds incredible and is a very viable solution for the home or pro studio situation for your digital recording.


Doublehelix Wed, 07/23/2003 - 12:24

I didn't mean to strike a nerve here! ;)

The reason I asked is that on other forums that I visit, I have heard people say the Mini-Me converters sound better than the "original" Rosetta, which makes me think that the newer technology in the Mini-me might be superior to the older converters in the Rosetta. What I was really trying to find out I guess was if the new Rosetta 800 uses mulitples of the older Rosetta chips, or if it is using a newer technology.

I also think your point is well taken that the ultimate sound is a product of the entire circuitry, and not just the A/D chip...

Apogee has a steller reputation, and I am trying to decide the best way to spend my money, and it has really come down to the AD-16 or now possibly the Rosetta 800. I am primarily interested in the A/D, but having D/A could be very useful as well.

I am probably going to be dumping my Layla/24, since I am no longer using it as computer interface (I am using the RME Hammerfall card now). It is primarily used as an A/D and a D/A, and I am thinking it is time to upgrade quality-wise.

Doublehelix Fri, 07/25/2003 - 06:24

Well, it certainly sounds like exactly what I need. I like the flexible routing, and the more I think about it, I will definitely need both the A/D and D/A, so the AD-16 is not going to work for me. $3K list is a bit steep for my shallow pockets, but this is where the "rubber meets the road" so to speak, and is where the money should be invested...

Mic --> Mic Pre --> A/D

This is where it all happens!


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