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Hi all - just found the site so i thought id contribute.

Ive been dubbing for TV in the UK for the last 13 years on various AMS Audiofile systems.

Now, with a move to a new facility Im setting up Im taking a serious look at Pro Tools!

Can anyone tell me
a) Is the transition from AF to PT going to be a painful one
b) Truely is PT better or as good as AF?
c) Is there a book Pt for ams af users.
Im currently reading Final cut pro fro Avid editors)

Any thoughts of pointers gratefully received.

NB If it makes any difference my main areas of work are TV ads, radio ads and fast turn around projects. ie 1 day for 1 hour tv prog etc.



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ghellquist Sun, 11/07/2004 - 11:04

you shold look very carefully at one annoying problem for your usage with PT -- it ony bounces mixes in real-time. This means that if you have made a one hour show, it will take one hour to get it down into the finished wave file.

Apart from that, I guess that PT has a lot of good points. I´ve left it though for Samplitude which fits me much better (I´m just an amateur though).

Gunnar Hellquist


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