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Sorry If this is in another thread, but I didnt see it with a really quick search. I cant decide between the 2 units (FMR RNP/Presonous MP20). I just need 2 decent/good channels of preamps for location recording into my Alesis Masterlink. I cant afford all too much and these 2 units are in my price range for now. I will be using handbuilt cardiods and omnis going into the pres. Any Suggestions or Comments from anybody who has used both or either the FMR RNP or the Presonous MP20?

Thanks is Advance!

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moonbaby Tue, 03/20/2007 - 08:55

I can only comment on the MP20, as I have not used the RNP. The MP20
has not been consistent over the years that it's been on the market. PreSonus started out gangbusters with the unit, using Jensen input transformers. With the exception of that "IDSS" gimmick (I thought that it made it sound "ratty"), the box was pretty clean and quiet. But like all things PreSonus, there came a change where they stopped using the Jensens, and this resulted in a front end that was much easier to overload with loud sources, and had a "mushier" low end extension. I was sorry that I sold the earlier one that I had, and told the guy with the later version to get something "better"...we both bought Grace 101's and never looked back.
Based on my experiences with FMR gear, I'd say that the build quality and performance of the RNP would be preferable to the stuff PreSonus is making these days, too....

BobRogers Tue, 03/20/2007 - 10:00

So I have the FMR RNP, but have never tried the MP20. The build quality of the RNP (and the RNC) has been excellent. Very reliable and easy to operate if you don't mind the 6dB step pots. I pretty much confirm that the things they say on the [[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.fmraudio…"]web site[/]="http://www.fmraudio…"]web site[/] about the design choices they made to put out a preamp at this price are accurate. I would warn you that "relatively neutral sonics" probably means relative to the other pres in this price range. The top end is not as hyped as a number of competitors, but I wouldn't call it exactly neutral. With that said, I find it a good match for several of my mics and I love it as a DI for electronic keyboards. Hope this helps.


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