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I have been doing an acoustic project. Good player but vocally challenged. I have reverbed and autotuned it and now it is in tune but the voice is not organic anymore. Any better ideas? I do not think retakes will get a better vocal. I hear a bit of a flange sound and he will too. I have doubled the voice and delayed the dub by 7-10 ms. sorta surreal now against those rocksteady D28s.


GT40sc Fri, 04/04/2003 - 09:10

Tough call...I wouldn't mind hearing the song though, just to get an it ONLY vocals and guitars? Is it a demo, or for release?

I wish I could be really helpful, but I figure you have four or five choices...

1. Live with the autotune, as-is.

2. Build a fault into a strength; keep adding parts, and make a techno mix out of it...

3. If it needs to be an "honest" production, (historical folk music, or whatever) take the processing off the vocal and mix it "loud and proud." Think current Johnny Cash...this only works if the pain in the vocal can tear your heart out, or otherwise distract you...

4. Re-track the song in a different key, to make it easier to sing. (I know you said this may not be possible.)

5. Use your current tracks, but get someone else to sing over them...

Only you and the songwriter can decide what is the right thing to do, in this case...again, I wish I could be more helpful.

Maybe somebody else has a better idea...

best of luck,

anonymous Fri, 04/04/2003 - 17:44

Tough call...I wouldn't mind hearing the song though, just to get an it ONLY vocals and guitars? Is it a demo, or for release?
it is a gig cd for resale so I want it to be as good as possible. It will have my name on it.

I wish I could be really helpful, but I figure you have four or five choices...

1. Live with the autotune, as-is.

2. Build a fault into a strength; keep adding parts, and make a techno mix out of it...

this is a great idea but he is going for a Jimmy Rogers roots sound. as in choice 3.

3. If it needs to be an "honest" production, (historical folk music, or whatever) take the processing off the vocal and mix it "loud and proud." Think current Johnny Cash...this only works if the pain in the vocal can tear your heart out, or otherwise distract you...

It will definately tear things lol. I think that this may be the safest choice but I do want people to listen to the project so I will fix it best I can.

4. Re-track the song in a different key, to make it easier to sing. (I know you said this may not be possible.)

not an option

5. Use your current tracks, but get someone else to sing over them...

this is my choice but the guy thinks he can sing. I am not gonna tell him otherwise.

Only you and the songwriter can decide what is the right thing to do, in this case...again, I wish I could be more helpful.

Maybe somebody else has a better idea...

best of luck,


thanks for you insight sc

I have read Zen/motorcycles many times.

"If the machine produces tranquillity, it's right."
--Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance


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