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I realize that the life altering events of this week have put a damper on things in general. I know I have lost allot of focus this week. But I'd like to make significant movements to getting the Mixfest underway this week.

For starters, we need to get Mark Owen UFO, Blatchford, and Here Again to put on 2" tape.

I need to send out "She's the Man", and Rader Ranch needs to send out "London Towne".

Pointmen, please give me an update on where we are at with this process, so we can all start mixing.




anonymous Mon, 09/17/2001 - 04:22

There are 6 guys that I have addresses for & will send the files out as soon as I get them from "ametth". He's also going to make the files available for DL at the same time ............. I'll email him again tonight to try & find out what's up, but I think he's been directly affected by recent events in NYC, so we'll just have to wait & see.


Mixerman Wed, 09/19/2001 - 21:39


I, and others, have put in allot of work to put this MixFest 2001 together. It's not the MixFest thingy, or the Mix whatchamacallit, it's Mixerman's MixFest 2001. You can participate, but that would require doing a little work on your part.

You could start by listening to the 5 songs, and picking one to mix. You can then do a little research on this forum, and figure out who has the file for the song you wish to mix. If you can't do this, then you're just plain shit-outta-luck.


Attached files Image removed.

anonymous Sun, 09/23/2001 - 09:58

Yeah Mixerman (whose name I would never treat with irreverance as I would throw myself on a sword, were it to protect you) I finally got the masters from the bad after the cat and mose game I will be transferrin them asap I have "free time" what a comoditiy to have this week and will get stuff off asap. and I got the 2" tape from drumsound. - Mark

CyanJaguar Wed, 09/26/2001 - 16:44

I doubt that anybody else had the insight to do something like this, but what I meant was that it should be held maybe every three months instead of annually.

I suddenly have way more respect for those engineers who are able to make every track heard in a dense mix. Trying to mix the song last night was really hard.

It will also be a learning experience to mix a song and then listen to the master mix and compare. This will show what we could have done better, and hopefully, next time, we will do it better.

I would even pay to have an experience like this.


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