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Hi I'm a recording noob.

1. I've just finished recording a song, and it sounds really good, non of my channels peak but in the stereo out channel it peaks a little, how do I get rid of that.

2. I'm using DFH, how can I put each part of the drum on a seperate track to add EQ and compression. I have tried to select multi-channel in the EZ drummer mixer but then I can only hear the drum on track 1.

3. I'm also looking for a few tips to maximize the loudness of my song.

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bent Wed, 02/06/2008 - 06:51

1) Find the loudest part of the song, play it back there and drop the channel faders (all selected together - shift/click or however it works in Cubase) incrementally until you're no longer clipping the stereo bus.

2) I don't know - I've never used DFH or EZ Drummer.

3) Proper gain, eq, and placement of the tracks in the stereo spectrum should give you all the loudness you need.
If you mean the songs arent' as loud as the other guy's (i.e. store-bought albums), well that's what mastering is for.
That's a different topic that's been covered here numerous times.

hueseph Wed, 02/06/2008 - 07:50

I don't know why you would want to do anything to the samples in EZdrummer. They're already about as good as they can sound. Those are some of the best samples you can get in a VST package.

If you absolutely must, you would need to copy and paste each drum in the midi editor to a new midi track. Which means a new instance of EZdrummer. Why though? You can eq and mix the tracks within EZdrummer.

Not everything needs to be tweaked. Sometimes yo have to learn to accept that it sounds good the way it is. Don't fix it if it ain't broke.

anonymous Tue, 03/04/2008 - 20:36

hi i need some help too, im a noob at recording in cubase with dfh2. alright, lets do this step by step, first i open cubase open a new project get it to save to the file i want. next, i open new empty track, add a midi track, bring up the vst instruments turn on dfh2, and load my drumset i want, then change the input in cubase for that midi to dfh2. now thats where im stuck bc now even tho i loaded my drums, when i use the keyboard map in dfh2, all i get is piano no drum map set, but when i use gm set those cheap noises work in dfh2 keyboard. i tried to load a new drum map but that obviously has nothing on it but renaming it doesnt get my drum sound itself on there. thats where im do i get the drums i mixed and loaded onto the drum map?is it my channels output? any takers?