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Anyone hear of this? It's supposedly a new product in the Onyx line. Good/bad reviews? I'm always skeptical when a company known for having a good line of gear comes out with something 'new'.


hueseph Sat, 08/21/2010 - 21:55

It still isn't shipping. I would love to see RO get a couple for evaluation. I started a thread mid[[url=http://[/URL]="http://recording.or…"] July [/]="http://recording.or…"] July [/]but there wasn't/isn't or at least does not seem to be a lot of interest. It seems to me that the market is saturated with mid level interfaces. The Blackbird seem to be a decent product at the listed price however. It would be nice to see a firewire based interface that incorporated significant dsp power. I know that Motu has one and Steinberg has dsp enhanced interfaces but I would really like to see some serious competition for the AVID users out there. The software already exists we just need a DSP enhanced interface to put them on the run.

hueseph Sat, 08/21/2010 - 23:47

Here's a thought for you hardware developers out there. How about an interface with DSP option that allows you to install a stock CPU of your choice? Just a thought. An Interface with an AM3 socket or Intel Socket and two ram slots. OK, maybe I'm dreaming here but wouldn't that put a wrench into the Pro Audio world?


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