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We Are Running A Pentium 4 2.66ghz dual core processor w/ a lexicon
omega & Sonar 5 producer. Every Time I Add Effects To A Track I Get Unbearable Static . I've had this program (sonar) sinc christmas and
our enjoyment level has been less than desirable ! Any Help Would
Be Appreciated ! Sincerely Frustrated ; WRENTCHT


RemyRAD Tue, 02/12/2008 - 22:54

Can you post an example of this static of which you are speaking of? Personally, I think it's operator error? There are so many traps especially within your effects where levels can get out of hand resulting in what you are describing. You may have set gain to 100% output where 50% output should have been selected? Those kinds of things.

If it's choppy, stuttering, dropout stuff, then yeah, buffers settings and turning, other stuff running in the background. You may also want to go to your start menu and select run and type in " msconfig ". You will be able to see what items are running from start up in what services are running. Under services, there is a don't show Microsoft services checkbox. Check that box. See what's left and see if you're using what's left? If not, unselect those and uncheck anything in the startup tab you don't think you're using. Leave everything else alone.

If that doesn't work, take 2 beers and call me late in the afternoon.
Ms. Remy Ann David