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Hey everyone,

I just purchased a new electric acoustic guitar which is pretty sweet. When I plug it straight into my audio board I get a kind of dry recording, it just sounds like an electric. Its missing the deep acoustic sound. Should I mic it as well to capture that sound? I am new to all of this so I'm sure my questions sound stupid. I am getting an Audo Technica 4040 condensor mic. Would that be good as second source for the recording? Please let me know any tips anyone has for a beginner starting to record himself. Does anyone know how Chris from Dashboard mics his acoustic when recording? Thanks guys.



drumist69 Sat, 11/12/2005 - 12:20

I would mic it with the 4040, and also go direct. Depends what type of music it is. If you have the direct track, you don't need to use it, but if you want to later you can pull it up, maybe run an amp simulator on it and make it sound like a Telecaster or something if the track needs something like that. Always good to have options!


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