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Hi gang, please welcome my good friend, Paul Christensen.

Paul is an amazing musician, I've had the honor and privilege to share both stages and studios with him over the last 236 years. ;)

I invited him to sign up here at RO, and I'm really glad he did. :)

Hi Paul!


audiokid Tue, 03/31/2015 - 09:22

Makzimia, post: 427072, member: 48344 wrote: Donny is building an army ;). Welcome Paul.


Hey Donny/ Paul... I saw you joined RO yesterday afternoon, then spotted my Ableton Live vs Pro Tools thread. I was hoping you where the guy he mentioned a few days back, and would generously chime in and share exactly what Donny knew I was digging on.
Right on, you are sure fit right in and love this community of musicians and engineers.



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