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Hello everyone,
i have a midi keyboard, the M audio keystation 49e. I'm using it with Cubase SX on a vista computer. the keystation is working, but there is a realy bad delay on the notesreaching the computer, making it nearly impossible to record along with music on the keystation. does anyone know how i can deal with this latency problem? help would be much apprecitated,
thanks, keik


anonymous Sat, 03/21/2009 - 11:13

caboosekk08 wrote: (I) can(')t find any buffer setting. (I')ve looked through the manual and there doesn(')t seem to be anything there! (A)ny suggestions?

Are you using the ASIO driver?
"go to the Control Panel and lower the latency settings by adjusting the "Buffer Size Samples" settings until happy."

All this I got from typing "Cubase SX buffer settings" into Google and clicking the third link...

Google is your friend.

Space Sat, 03/21/2009 - 16:04

jammster wrote: I believe you need to find the buffer setting in your Audio Devices page. When in doubt use the manual for your software. Sometimes the manuals are in the help menu on the software.


It will help everyone who tries to help if they had more information, specifically what sound interface you are using.

Ah, nevermind. it's a usb right? And your using the Vista built in sound card, right?

Read the manual.

The issue is most likely not the pulse coming from the keyboard. You can do a test. Plug a pair of headphones into the keyboard output and plug a pair into the computer audio output. Maybe you can guess the rest ;)