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Kick drum micing

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Submitted by anonymous on

Is there a minimum SPL handling a mic should have before close Micing a kick drum? If so what is it?


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I'd stick with dynamic mics. Some standard answers for dynamics are probably an akg d 112 (about $200), Sennheiser e902 or e 602, audix d4, shure beta 52, sennheiser 421, EV RE-20 etc..

only condensors I have used on kicks have been either a Neumann fet47, or a shure ksm something-or-another, and some tube condensors like a Neumann u67 or a microtec gefel um-92s but ONLY out side the kick and about 3"-12" away. The pads would always be engaged whenever possible

I have seen people use an akg 414 inside a kick and Neumann u87's on toms, but not in the past 10 years.....mostly used a dynamic of sorts.

Mon, 08/15/2005 - 19:40 Permalink
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just to clarify...I have used fet47's and ksm's inside and outside of the shell of a kick...the u67 and um92 I have used outside the kick 3"-12" away from etc etc.....

sushifish wrote: I heard do can do wonders with a kick drum and that mic. What were your thoughts Johnwy?

fet47's are great mics in general.....great on vocals, bass cabs, gtr cabs, percussion...can be used on just about anything, definitely can sound good on a kick...

Mon, 08/15/2005 - 21:45 Permalink