I started the Brauner Valvet vs Neumann M 147 thread a while ago and still haven't come to any conclusion what to buy especially now since some new thoughts have been spinning around in my mind for a couple of days (and nights).
What do you guys think would be a healthier investment given a budget of 2500$:
A) Buying a really high-endsort of mic like a Valvet, Soundelux, Lawson, U 87 whatever and using it with my current Preamp (Trident 65...).
B) Going to invest in a quality budget mic such as a TLM 103, RODE NTK, MBHO whatever and buying for the rest of the money (which should be something like 1800 $) a really good preamp. Maybe a Vintech, Amek, SPL or whatever (new or used).
What do you think would give me better results in general?
Thanks once more.
sounds like an ok idea, and if you do it, consider the great riv
sounds like an ok idea, and if you do it, consider the great river pres. you can grab the mp-2, or w/an extra 200, the mp-2 nv. that is an AMAZING pre. heard it at aes, still freakin out about how to convince myself to lay a hand on one. however, if you plan to get both a great mic and a great pre in your collection in future, get the mic now, and wait on the pre [less money wasted on lower end mics]. you can get a U99, for example, for 1,700, and i'll tell you where if you want.
How much is the new U47 Sondelux copy? Folks were raving about i
How much is the new U47 Sondelux copy? Folks were raving about it at the AES