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I am a high school senior, and in one year's time I will be going off to college majoring in sound recording technology. The school doesn't have any requirements for the type of computer students use, and I am exploring my options. I have not yet decided if I want a PC or a Mac, but I am not looking for help deciding between the two. I would be using the computer for DAW purposes as well as everyday surfing, word processing, etc. I am thinking about Logic Pro (if mac), and Cubase SX 3 (these choices might change)

I could buy a 2GHz 20" iMac G5 with 1gig of ram for around the price that I would be paying for super fast PC. That looks very good to me, but I have some concerns about the iMac G5. It looks to me as if there is no way to upgrade the iMac - the two firewire ports are my main concern, will I ever need more? (I know that there is no straight answer to this) One would go to an external hard drive, one to an audio interface. I am not too worried about this handling less tracks than a dual G5 power mac, I have read that the iMac will handle 24 tracks and up, and for now that would work for me.

I would appeciate any feedback about the iMac G5 from experienced users, especially if anyone has had regrets about buying a computer with limited upgrdeability.

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jonnyc Sat, 08/13/2005 - 12:35

Its not impossible to upgrade you just gotta open the case up and you can change the ram and put a bigger hd in it. there are many people the use the imac g5 me included that don't have any problems with only having 2 firewire ports. Mines a great DAW and for a beginner its great. PC's have a lot of advantages but the ease and reliability of a mac sealed the deal for me. One thing to think about, if you're using it for other purposes besides a daw you may wanna stick with mac, using your pc for the web and games and other stuff along with being a DAW could cause problems fast.

maintiger Mon, 08/15/2005 - 10:43

something to consider, the imac you plan to get is her listed for $1799- and its only a single processor 2.0


here is a dual processor refurbished tower from the apple store with a full guarantee for the same price- just add any vga monitor you have around- or buy a 19" regular monitor for $100 just about anywhere-


You'll be a lot better off with the tower, twice as fast and no noise

jonnyc Mon, 08/15/2005 - 12:19

Even when my control room and recording room were one in the same the noise was never a problem, compared to my pc its almost silent. I'm not sure what problems the built in monitor causes, its never gotten in the way or anything lol. Yeah the tower is probably a wise choice but for starters the Imac is a great computer and if you're plannin on living in a dorm the extra space saved may actually be something to consider. Also I've heard many many times that the second processor isn't really critical in DAW's but that could all be pc lover BS. Either way go mac and you won't be disappointed.

iznogood Mon, 08/15/2005 - 12:58

maintiger wrote: something to consider, the imac you plan to get is her listed for $1799- and its only a single processor 2.0


here is a dual processor refurbished tower from the apple store with a full guarantee for the same price- just add any vga monitor you have around- or buy a 19" regular monitor for $100 just about anywhere-


You'll be a lot better off with the tower, twice as fast and no noise

great idea!!

maintiger Mon, 08/15/2005 - 13:25

jonnyc wrote: Even when my control room and recording room were one in the same the noise was never a problem, compared to my pc its almost silent. I'm not sure what problems the built in monitor causes, its never gotten in the way or anything lol. Yeah the tower is probably a wise choice but for starters the Imac is a great computer and if you're plannin on living in a dorm the extra space saved may actually be something to consider. Also I've heard many many times that the second processor isn't really critical in DAW's but that could all be pc lover BS. Either way go mac and you won't be disappointed.

I've read in the unicornation forum about some imacs having a noise problem- not sure which model- but I sure don't have any problems with my tower G5 :D

anonymous Thu, 08/18/2005 - 09:08

I really like the idea of a refurbished mac. I did not know that they offered them, and I actually can't find any in the apple store without searching for "refurbished." Any of these would need ram uprgades, but I would be putting that into any new mac. They even have some older single processor G5s that I might consider. And there is also the powerbook.

About the firewire thing. Right after I posted this i discovered that there were firewire hubs. I knew that you could buy usb hubs, but didn't realize that they made firewire ones.

Thanks for all the help.
