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Hi! Im new at recording, i have a Behringer V-Amp2 and a Behringer Firewire Podcast Studio and i am new at recording, i use Cubase SX3. And i was wondering what are the basic steps in recording a rock demo? Whats the next to do when i recorded every instrument and vocals? I hear a lot about compression, normalization a such things.
Please help me!


Kapt.Krunch Sun, 08/17/2008 - 06:51

That's really too broad of a question to answer. You may need to compress a track while recording, or after. Or, not at all. Same with the mix. Depends on what it takes to make it sound good.
you shouldn't need to "normalize" if you've recorded properly.

There are a million choices to make while recording and while mixing.

Your best bet is to play around with the thing, search for "Recording Tips" articles here, and on the web to print out from reliable sources, and maybe invest in a good recording book or two. Good reference materials are always a good thing to have handy.

Things like mic'ing tips, compression tips, mixing tips, EQ tips, effects tips, gain structure, panning tips, connections...everything. You should have some basic ideas about all this before you'll start making anything sound good.

There are EQ charts that you may want to print out that show you the average ranges of voices and instruments. That may come in handy help understand where certain elements of your mix live, and to help solve problems.

I've got a Favorites folder called "Recording Tips", and subfolders called "Connections", "Reference", and "Techniques" filled with hundreds of links. "Connections" contain links to pages that explain studio wiring and balanced/unbalanced, -10/+4, cables...all that kind of stuff.

"Reference" is mainly pages that explain the science and technical data.

"Techniques" is basically all the tips.

I still wish these forums contained a "New User's" welcome area that we could direct people to that would explain how to narrow your inquiries to best solicit pointed and useful answers, and also an extensive indexed links library to places like the "Rane Audio Reference Library", etc., and books referral, that people get sent to all the time, anyway.

You are better off trying to do something first, and then asking "I tried this, but it sounds like ....... I have found articles explaining ......, but still don't understand, or just cannot make it sound good. Now, what do i do?"

this lets people know that you have taken the initiative to to try to learn and solve it yourself, but everyone here knows that people get confused or stuck, anyway. That's OK.

You really cannot learn anything by trying to take an easy route. The best lessons that will stick with you are when you aren't afraid to make mistakes, learn why you made them, and learn how to solve them..or not repeat them.

Probably not the easy answer you were seeking, but possibly the best answer you could get to such a wide-arching question.

Hope it helps.

Kapt.Krunch :wink:
