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Sonar 3 Automation?

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Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 06/07/2004 - 19:27

hi! I'd like to know how I can record the automation in the console view in Sonar 3, since I try it (and have read the manual) but it doesn't help me: It simply won't remember the parameters I moved before.
I remember cakewalk used to have the record button in the console. how do you do it in Sonar?



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I attended a Sonar 3 launch at Berklee, and if I remember correctly...

You need to put the effect in one of your aux buses...then go to a track that you want effected and insert the send to the aux bus.

Right click on the trim pot (the colored bar) of the send and you'll see three choices:

Arm for automation
Automation snapshot
Remote Control (for midi control/recording)

Arm it...hit record and away you go...manipulate to your heart's desire.

Remember...if I'm wrong...the seminar was three months ago and the sun got in my eyes.



Mon, 06/07/2004 - 20:29 Permalink