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Hi !

There is a price reduction on Lauten mics and my GAS is very tempted.
It could be my first tube mic. There is a lot of videos online but I'd like to have the opinion of an owner.
Anyone of you has one ? How does it compare to other known mics ?

Thanks !


KurtFoster Sun, 05/10/2020 - 11:02

why is it not? what is so expensive about making a 251? c12 capsule, a tube, a couple of transformers, a few resistors and capacitors and some sheet metal work does not add up to $1000. especially when economy of scale comes into play. what makes a vintage 251 expensive is the unobtainium factor. new ones made by Telefunken are going for $10 grand .... and that's gotta be marketing. are they even made in Germany anymore?

in the 60's and 70's when recording studios billed hundreds an hour it was justifiable to pay through the nose for gear. some like myself even thought it was a good thing that kept recording tools out of the hands of all but the most dedicated. but that fox has already raided the chicken coop. no use shutting the door now. still many pieces we now pay thousands for cost only hundreds back then. Nuemanns were typically $500. but $500 was a LOT of money then, like five weeks wages.

i'm not saying a WARM mic, preamp or processor is going to sound exactly like a Neumman, AKG, LA2a, 1176 or PULTEC side by side but they are real close to my ear. it's difficult to get two pieces of any type vintage gear to sound exactly the same in the first place. differences in vintage ones can vary widely due to ageing components, abuse / use. it's impossible to go back and say, "This is how a 251 sounded new". no one knows. anyone who's lived with vintage audio gear knows this. when we say, "I need an LA 2 for that.", it's not an exact "thing" we are looking for rather a general "thing". WARM gear does that general "thing" at a price the modern day recordist can afford.

if i were putting a studio together now it would be filled with lots of WARM gear. they make a lot of the just right pieces. that's one of the things that draws me to the WARM line. they aren't doing the bs stuff .. just the classics.

KurtFoster Sun, 05/10/2020 - 11:53

audiokid, post: 464138, member: 1 wrote: For fun, please break down the cost for something like this and see whats left.

perhaps cyrano would respond!

audiokid, post: 464138, member: 1 wrote: We can also just use our cell phones to record and video demos and its usually good enough too, especially in today's streaming standards.

i've been amazed at the quality of some of the at home reports the news reporters are currently doing.

audiokid Sun, 05/10/2020 - 12:37

Kurt Foster, post: 464139, member: 7836 wrote: perhaps cyrano would respond!

i've been amazed at the quality of some of the at home reports the news reporters are currently doing.

Do you ever wonder why there are so many people, including yourself in our countries that cannot afford to buy pro audio gear let alone afford to buy a home to record in? I stopped wondering after I started seeing all our jobs being sent offshore where Greedy American companies got China to do it from the back door where they could break every rule. Now we can hardly afford to buy Chinese lol
just saying.

KurtFoster Sun, 05/10/2020 - 12:52

i looked up a Ck12 capsule .... $159.00
the tube is $16.00
the transformer is $75.00

WARM is an American owned company located in Austin Texas. they source assemblies from Asia.

don't blame the Chinese. it's Western money that invested in China. if Wall Street pulled out of China today they would collapse tomorrow. don't allow the insurance executives and bankers fool you. that's their way, divide people and keep them from organizing. blame the Kochs and the Waltons and their cronies not the Chinese. don't permit them to diffuse the question and make "others" the enemy.

i used to work for a furniture maker in Eugene OR. they made promises to the workers to keep them from unionizing and then broke them. it wasn't the Chinese who came into the plant and unbolted all the conveyors, glue tables, sanders, molders, saws and lathes off the factory floor and sent them to Vietnam. it was the American owners who did it.

btw, i own my house. i even have a large building on the property that i rent out. i could build a studio if i wanted to but there's no one who pays to record in my neighborhood.

audiokid Sun, 05/10/2020 - 13:00

Kurt Foster, post: 464141, member: 7836 wrote: don't blame the Chinese. it's all Western money that's invested in China.

audiokid, post: 464140, member: 1 wrote: I stopped wondering after I started seeing all our jobs being sent offshore where Greedy American companies got China to do it from the back door where they could break every rule. Now we can hardly afford to but Chinese lol

That's what I just said and say it over and over. Greedy Americans that used China to build NA products. When it comes to China selling us back the stuff Americans send to them, I have nothing against China. They are smart at business.

You are lucky you own your own home and shop. You are one of the lucky ones that got started before it all went off shore.

Anyway, that still doesn't make cheap sound any better. It simply makes cheap good enough for most of us who don't need anything better.
IMO the best money spent is acoustic treatment, computer, great interface and conversion with stellar preamps and some good quality mics needed for whatever you record. High quality ADDA, pre-amps and good mics are essential to my ears.

KurtFoster Sun, 05/10/2020 - 13:32

audiokid, post: 464142, member: 1 wrote: When it comes to China selling us back the stuff Americans send to them, I have nothing against China. They are smart at business.

thing is Chris, it's not the Chinese who are selling stuff from China. Western money flows in and out of China and profits are returning to entities who use the tax breaks and cheap labor off shore manufacturing provides. all China offers is cheap skilled labor. without the Western investors and banking China would fail in a day. the whole China thing is a ruse to keep American workers from coming together against the 1% who control everything.

audiokid Sun, 05/10/2020 - 13:32

Kurt Foster, post: 464137, member: 7836 wrote: if i were putting a studio together now it would be filled with lots of WARM gear. they make a lot of the just right pieces. that's one of the things that draws me to the WARM line. they aren't doing the bs stuff .. just the classics.

If I was building a studio it would be filled with as much authentic gear as I could afford. Why< because good gear sounds good and it also gets an instant stamp of "right on".
If I was doing a budget studio, I wouldn't use much anything hardware based. The cheap gear is no better than plugins that come in... example Samplitude. In fact, digital audio is superior to most cheap analog gear.
To my ears, the best analog mastering gear is equal to plugins. Once in the box, stay in the box.

But this is yet another topic far from the OP. I've owned something made by Warm that was total crap. So I personally wouldn't waste my money on much anything they make because of that. If they make a microphone that actually sounded like a Bock, Mojave or Telefunken 251 to give a few examples, I would be very surprised. I contacted Warm a few years back and tried to get one here. They declined giving me one so there ya go.

audiokid Sun, 05/10/2020 - 13:38

Kurt Foster, post: 464143, member: 7836 wrote: thing is Chris, it's not the Chinese who are selling stuff from China. Western money flows in and out of China and profits are returning to entities who use the tax breaks and cheap labor off shore manufacturing provides. all China offers is cheap skilled labor. without the Western investors and banking China would fail in a day. the whole China thing is a ruse to keep American workers from coming together against the 1% who control everything.

Sounds like you and I live on a different earth lol. In Canada, we too use China to add value to everything that Americans buy sell back to us. We have a country who does exactly what America does. Canadians are owned by China just like Americans. What happens in USA happens in Canada. We watch the news and have the same issues as you. (too much china)
The difference between our country and yours is we pay attention to America better than you pay attention to Canada. At least thats how it appears.

just saying

KurtFoster Sun, 05/10/2020 - 13:40

audiokid, post: 464142, member: 1 wrote: Anyway, that still doesn't make cheap crap sound any better.

i agree on one hand but on the other, i wouldn't call WARM gear cheap crap. it's the same parts and designs. by purchasing assemblies made to WARM's specs from China, scale of economy helps keep the costs down. the sheet metal is a little thinner and it's definitely not mil spec like an old UREI piece but i think they do a good job at providing something that will do the "thing" and last a while.

audiokid Sun, 05/10/2020 - 13:55

Kurt Foster, post: 464147, member: 7836 wrote: it's the other way around Chris. :LOL:

No, you missed that last part

Corrupt Americans, Canadians etc used social and green party activists to support China (third world) for decades as a back door to break environmental rules child labour etc to build their companies their. But, eventually China got the best of us all because the Asian middle class got rich and they came back and bought us. They bought subdivisions, land, resources everywhere and now they own us more than you are obviously aware of.

Back to the OP and 251 that sounds like the real deal lol.

KurtFoster Sun, 05/10/2020 - 13:56

audiokid, post: 464144, member: 1 wrote: f I was building a studio it would be filled with as much authentic gear as I could afford. Why< because it sounds awesome and it also gets an instant stanp of right on.

in 1990 that's what i did and i wouldn't do it again. i would have done it back in 2005 when i first came to RO but again that's not how i would go today. i don't see how it would pay off. sure it would be nice but just keeping all that great gear running is a task and competent techs are few and far between. not to mention cost prohibitive. you could have an SSL and racks of LA2's and 1176's and huge mic locker and still only bill $50 an hour.

one could easily spend $200k on gear for a studio not counting recorders and a mixing console or itb systems and controllers but for 15 k i could buy enough WARM gear to fully fully equip a room with mics and outboard that i know i could make records with and bill the same as the $200k room.

audiokid Sun, 05/10/2020 - 13:59

Kurt Foster, post: 464150, member: 7836 wrote: in 1990 that's what i did and i wouldn't do it again. i would have done it back in 2005 when i first came to RO but again that's not how i would go today. i don't see how it would pay off. sure it would be nice but just keeping all that great gear running is a task and competent techs are few and far between. not to mention cost prohibitive. you could have an SSL and racks of LA2's and 1176's and huge mic locker and still only bill $50 an hour.

one could easily spend $200k on gear for a studio not counting recorders and a mixing console or itb systems and controllers but for 15 k i could buy enough WARM gear to fully fully equip a room with mics and outboard that i know could make records in and bill the same as the $200k room.

Personally I would just stay ITB and use an Apollo with some really good mics. Most gear is a waste of money to me. Digital audio rocks

KurtFoster Sun, 05/10/2020 - 14:01

audiokid, post: 464149, member: 1 wrote: Canadians etc used social and green party activists to support China (third world) for decades as a back door to break environmental rules child labour etc to build their companies

funny, I remember it was Nixon and the Republicans who did that .... it's not "liberals and greens" who want to break the unions. it's the right wing.

audiokid Sun, 05/10/2020 - 14:04

Kurt Foster, post: 464152, member: 7836 wrote: funny, I remember it was Nixon and the Republicans who did that .... it's not "liberals and greens" who want to break the unions. it's the right wing.

Why are you turning this into politics and unions? And what party wanted slavery lol? We are surely better than this, Kurt. Being said, today is whats important and I personally do not care about who did what yesterday as much as I care about what we all do today to make our world a better place for our homeland, communities and planet..

KurtFoster Sun, 05/10/2020 - 14:08

audiokid, post: 464151, member: 1 wrote: Personally I would just stay ITB and use an Apollo with some really good mics. Most gear is a waste of money to me. Digital audio rocks

the problem with that is you have to go with Apple to run Apollo. and the planned obsolescence inherent with any computer based recording system. from what i've seen 5 years is the best anyone can expect. then you need a new system with new hardware and software which usually includes o/s, daw and plugs. money evaporated or should we just call it "virtually spent cash"?

KurtFoster Sun, 05/10/2020 - 14:12

audiokid, post: 464153, member: 1 wrote: Why are you turning this into politics and unions? And what party wanted slavery lol? We are surely better than this Kurt. Being said, today is whats important and I personally do not care about who did what yesterday as much as I care about what we all do today to make our world a better place for our homeland, communities and planet..

i'm replying to your comments Chris and stating the facts as they really were. i was there i remember in spite of the right trying to rewrite history.

i actually prefer to keep it just about the mics and the gear. i really don't care what country it is made in anymore. it doesn't matter. the same people get it all in the end any way we look at it. so as far as i am concerned any remark about stuff coming from where ever is moot.

pcrecord Sun, 05/10/2020 - 14:13

I think the RODE NTR is one of their best realisation.. I'm sure they do not sell 5k mic by choice.. They chose to be apealing to home recordist and small studios..
This might be in part why they tuned some of their mic to be hyped in the HF.. Clarity mesmerise alot of beginners.. ;)
I'm about to order the Golden age Comp-3a.. the chain will be mic + ISA + comp 3a + UFX converter. I'm sure it will be a lot different then the LA-610 (which is actually my go to for vocals)
My Mic parts T47 and T12 are very good mic I built. No surface mount parts. Nice transformer, well tuned parts.. I bet I will rediscover them with this new signal path..
Sounds like a video project again ;) he he he

audiokid Sun, 05/10/2020 - 16:22

Kurt Foster, post: 464156, member: 7836 wrote: i'm replying to your comments Chris and stating the facts as they really were. i was there i remember in spite of the right trying to rewrite history.

i actually prefer to keep it just about the mics and the gear. i really don't care what country it is made in anymore. it doesn't matter. the same people get it all in the end any way we look at it. so as far as i am concerned any remark about stuff coming from where ever is moot.

My apologies if you think this conversation is about a political party :confused:
I personally don’t care what political party is feeding the business to China Business but I definitely care how offshore impacts my life, community and the children to follow. I care what country is making things I use and how they spend or use our money. It’s not political or racist why I don’t approve of China or other countries. It’s all to do with why would I support a country that isn’t helping my children, their future etc.Plain and simple.
Being said... I don’t have a political reason to why I have an opinions on Warm Audio. It’s all about sound and quality and a brand name used to market something I disagree, right? It’s about a company claiming it’s like a 251 which isn’t helping anyone that actually knows this is all BS labeling. Warm is more likely a product concept that sounds ok at a budget price (good for them), but I suspect they are more likely using high end boutique products names to sell something to people that might otherwise not buy into it if they were actually better informed. Maybe I’m wrong. If you were making something great and along came “BS ” using your name and years of testimonials to sell a clone with part of your name on it... I’d be standing up for you too, just like now.

KurtFoster Sun, 05/10/2020 - 16:40

if you had actually used WARM mics, i would accept your opinion more readily but as it stands it seems you are assuming they're junk only because it doesn't fit into your view that gear has to cost a lot or it's not good. i have never believed that. i have always looked for less expensive alternatives. remember Sebatron? i got a lot of flack for that.

there's loads of testimonials on YouTube from reputable persons like Sylvia Massy, Warren Huart, Dave Pensado, Mitch Gallagher just to name a few.

WARM products are all over YouTube. Sweetwater is really selling them. i think that's whats giving them a leg up. like i said earlier, the only really negative remarks i've found anywhere were here. some at GS aren't too crazy about WARM either but even they haven't called it junk.

kmetal Sun, 05/10/2020 - 17:06

pcrecord, post: 464157, member: 46460 wrote: They chose to be apealing to home recordist and small studios..
This might be in part why they tuned some of their mic to be hyped in the HF.. Clarity mesmerise alot of beginners.. ;)

Ya know, i wonder how much is intentional. There seems to be a trend in most lower priced gear towards a strident upper mid. The avantone c12 has the same capsule as a c12, but sounds brighter and skinnier. The art tube mpa has a brighter upper mid than a Manley. With converters it seems to be the dimension and definition that increases with price.

Its rare to ever hear a complaint about a cheaper mic or pre being "too warm" or "too dark". One of the most expensive compressors ive used was a summit tla 100, and loved it because it was dark. Id pair it with a brighter mic and pre and man, what silk.

A sm57 is cheap and bright but doesn't have that "mxl" thing.

So i really wonder if things actually are more of a choice now than i previously thought. With sounds getting brighter in the upper mids and more and more people using cheaper gear that is brighter there, maybe it's just what the kids are used to know.

When think "cheap" gear i think bright, and doesn't distort in a pleasing way. It seems to me the mid range is the "money range". It took me a while to realize this, i was initially dissapointed when i first got to use boutique gear.

To me the best cheap gear is not harsh, but sacrifices depth and definition. The focusrite liquid pre, and motu conversion comes to mind.

Is there any technical reason why cheaper gear sounds mid forward? Why not dull and muddy?

KurtFoster Sun, 05/10/2020 - 17:27

kmetal, post: 464164, member: 37533 wrote:

Is there any technical reason why cheaper gear sounds mid forward? Why not dull and muddy?

it's mostly in how the gear handles balanced signals at input and output and rail voltages. transformer based inputs will add distortions but handle bass much better. electronic balancing is always a compromise with low frequency response but can exhibit lower distortion, noise and higher frequency response. higher rail voltages allow for more headroom and more robust signals.

audiokid Sun, 05/10/2020 - 17:30

After being in this business For decades, running a big forum where you can get gear to promote, I know the GAS game all too well. People in this business shill all the time. I stopped believing a lot of testimonials years back when I did my own tests and comparisons without back door deals swaying my words.
But that doesn’t mean Warm Audio isn’t useful, even makes something that pros would use. My point is I don’t believe a WA 251 compares to a the authentic for a reason.

audiokid Sun, 05/10/2020 - 19:26

Kurt Foster, post: 464158, member: 7836 wrote: what operating system do you use? UA says Appllo is for Macs ???

Windows 10. For years you can use an Apollo with PC with either TB or FW interface.

High-speed connectivity for Mac and Windows
UA Audio Interfaces offer the world's best implementation of Thunderbolt — for stunningly low latency, plus the ability to cascade up to four units as your studio grows.

pcrecord Mon, 05/11/2020 - 09:32

It's done I ordered a Golden age Comp-3a today..
Coupled with an ISA preamp, I will revisit all my mics again. (in my mind, the best way to know your gear is to try everything when you get a new tool) ;)
I think there is a slight chance that this new signal path will disminish my temptation to buy a new mic..
Things for sure, I'll be ready for new customer's projects when things get back to normal.. :)

audiokid Tue, 05/12/2020 - 09:16


Kurt Foster, post: 464161, member: 7836 wrote: it seems you are assuming they're junk only because it doesn't fit into your view that gear has to cost a lot or it's not good. i have never believed that. i have always looked for less expensive alternatives. remember Sebatron? i got a lot of flack for that.

Kurt Foster, post: 464161, member: 7836 wrote: if you had actually used WARM mics, i would accept your opinion more readily but as it stands it seems you are assuming they're junk only because it doesn't fit into your view that gear has to cost a lot or it's not good. i have never believed that. i have always looked for less expensive alternatives. remember Sebatron? i got a lot of flack for that.

I've used all levels of gear and have never said or thought something that stupid in my life. On the contrary, you've assumed more than a few times to know something about products you've never used and seem to believe Youtube shill videos are more credible than deserving.

The difference between you and me is apparent on this one. I have actually used Warm Gear and the moment I tried their crap preamp I knew it was junk. Plain and simple. I've had more pro audio equipment come through here that you have never used . I don't have to like things because they are expensive or cheap. That is a fact.
Your legacy is commendable but over and over you base opinions around very dated times. I don't begrudge you and have never talked to you like you do to me. Maybe today its time you were given your own snipes back. Don't try and pin me as someone who thinks everything expensive is worth buying. I also own budget gear. Cheap or expensive products have a place in music but when it comes to high quality microphones, you aren't convincing that you actually even know what a ELAM 251 sounds like through high end conversion today. My entire point in this entire thread is based around how I do not believe a WA251 is comparable to the great 251'. What a bunch of BS. They are using a famous microphone name to sell a budget product.

Kurt Foster, post: 464161, member: 7836 wrote: there's loads of testimonials on YouTube from reputable persons like Sylvia Massy, Warren Huart, Dave Pensado, Mitch Gallagher just to name a few.

. I'm sure Warm Audio is comparable to other budget brand products in its price range.

Kurt Foster, post: 464161, member: 7836 wrote: WARM products are all over YouTube. Sweetwater is really selling them. i think that's whats giving them a leg up. like i said earlier, the only really negative remarks i've found anywhere were here. some at GS aren't too crazy about WARM either but even they haven't called it junk.

They sell Behringer too lol. :rolleyes:

KurtFoster Tue, 05/12/2020 - 09:24

audiokid, post: 464191, member: 1 wrote: I've used all levels of gear and have never said something that stupid in my life. On the contrary, you've assumed more than a few times to know something about products you've never used and seem to believe Youtube shill videos are more credible than deserving.

The difference between you and I is apparent on this one. I have actually used Warm Gear and the moment I tried their crap preamp I knew it was junk. Plain and simple. I've had more pro audio equipment come through here that you have never used. I don't have to like things because they are expensive or cheap. That is a fact.
Your legacy is commendable but over and over you base opinions around very dated times. I don't begrudge you and have never talked to you like you do to me. Maybe today its time you were given your own snipes back. Don't try and pin me as someone who thinks everything expensive or cheap is worth buying. I also own budget gear. Cheap or expensive products have a place in music but when it comes to high quality microphones, you aren't convincing me that you actually even know what a ELAM 251 sounds like through high end conversion today.

My entire point in this entire thread is based around how I do not believe a WA251 is comparable to the great 251'. What a bunch of BS. They are using a famous microphone name to sell a budget product.

Regarding Sebatron preamps (yet another pivot in your conversation) Sebatron preamps were OK but not world class by any stretch. I wouldn't put Sebatron in the same league as world class stuff. Not by any stretch. You are dreaming, pal. I would however put them in the same league as Warm Audio though. Which is an opinion based on actual hands on experience.

I'm sure Warm Audio is comparable to other budget brand products in its price range. Good for them.

They sell Behringer too lol.

where did this come from?

kmetal Tue, 05/12/2020 - 11:21

pcrecord, post: 464172, member: 46460 wrote: It's done I ordered a Golden age Comp-3a today..
Coupled with an ISA preamp, I will revisit all my mics again. (in my mind, the best way to know your gear is to try everything when you get a new tool) ;)
I think there is a slight chance that this new signal path will disminish my temptation to buy a new mic..
Things for sure, I'll be ready for new customer's projects when things get back to normal.. :)

Congrats bro! Can't wait to hear the demos. SOS had a good write up on them that got me interested a while back.

What's cool about the comp 3a, is you can't get one new from UA. The Golden Age is the only one im aware of. A used one would be well over a decade old and possibly "repaired" or modded accidentally. I think its an interesting option sonically, and nice to have a warranty, and know someone else's grimy mitts haven't defiled it. Lol.

I'd be interested in hearing the diff when you use it with the inserts on the isa vs in series to the conversion. That's if your model if isa has the inserts.

It would also be fun to hear the diff between the la3 pluggin and the comp3 as a channel insert, to observe the difference not necessarily to judge.

audiokid, post: 464191, member: 1 wrote: They are using a famous microphone name to sell a budget product.

Waves had a line for an ssl pluggin stating "real analog sound". Lol a completely digital product has a digital sound for better or worse. I wish they would just quit that stuff and just say "great digital audio". Probably half the buyers have never heard anything analog anyway.

I really give credit to makers who don't piggy back off classic gear when the classic gear is still being made. That's a pet peeve of mine.

audiokid Tue, 05/12/2020 - 11:54

Kurt Foster, post: 464192, member: 7836 wrote: where did this come from?

From your assuming and assuming all through this thread to now this...

Kurt Foster, post: 464161, member: 7836 wrote: as it stands it seems you are assuming they're junk only because it doesn't fit into your view that gear has to cost a lot or it's not good.

You run most everything down that cost money and when you’ve been challenged over the years... you snipe and a passive manner. You accuse me now of being some moron that thinks I am fooled by a price tag. You resent people that buy quality, that love computers and plugins yet you’ve never used anything professionally built in years. I could go on but why.... I’m cool about opinions but not when someone accuses me of being this stupid lol.

KurtFoster Tue, 05/12/2020 - 12:14

audiokid, post: 464196, member: 1 wrote: From your assuming and assuming all through this thread to now this... .

You run most everything down that cost money and when you’ve been challenged over the years... you snipe. You accuse me now of being some moron that thinks I am fooled by a price tag. You resent people that buy quality, that love computers and plugins yet you’ve never used anything professionally built in years.. I could go on but why.... I’m cool about opinions but not when someone accuses me of being this stupid lol.

Have a nice day.:cool:

i hope you have a nicer day that it seems you're having. seriously. i thought we were able to express ourselves. i didn't realize that you are taking it all so personal Chris. if i offend, i apologize. i cannot agree with many of the things you say just because you say. much of what you offer is opinion and not supported by any empirical evidence. that's fine. a lot of people express themselves that way. it certainly hasn't angered me. i can't figure what made you decide that i shun high end gear. my entire history on the net reflects just the opposite. as far as Sebatron. his gear is still highly regarded in major studio circles and as i recall you were pretty much all over his gear back in '05. you were giving it away in contest promotions. even Fletcher admitted he liked Sebatron gear after the dust cleared. not junk. i know. but now i'm supposed you change my mind just because you said so?

audiokid, post: 464191, member: 1 wrote: I have actually used Warm Gear and the moment I tried their crap preamp I knew it was junk.

this is what i mean. you only say it's "crap" and then you call it "junk" but you don't say why or post an example. the "shill videos" at least post audio examples, for whatever they are worth. what was crap about it? the build? internals? sound? why was it crap? the 12mkII is a Melcore op amp. it's the exact same op amp that was in Sphere and Electrodyne consoles. the op amp is socketed so you can switch it out for example a 2520 op amp. pretty cool. they use high quality parts and transformers. what's crap about that?

if you don't like something i'm ok with that. if you like it i'm ok with that too. it's not important we agree. what's most important is we should be able to say what we think and even disagree without hating each other. there's enough of that in the world already and we've been through too much for this stuff. it's not that important.

audiokid Tue, 05/12/2020 - 12:49

Again, missing points, assuming, then pivoting towards your narratives.

Your words are clear, Kurt. I simply responded to a shitty comment you directed to me that I felt was worth responding back in my more direct approach to you this time. I’m having a great day, as usual.

All through the years, especially during our golden years when we had most of the worlds finest engineers here you endlessly discredited the opinions of pros buy siding with underdog gear.
At one time I trusted your opinions but I do not much anymore. Why? Because I have actually used the gear I comment on. Unlike you... you say a lot of things that are based on a discrediting the stuff you cannot afford. That’s my opinion for years here. This is a pro audio website share opinions on all levels of gear, including expensive gear that earned their reputations earnestly.

I’ll say it for the last time. I will never believe the WA251 deserves to piggyback on the real 251. It may be ok but don’t tell me it’s a 251. I've read the reviews and its not convincing me at all.
I asked Warm to send me a WA251 once and they declined. This thread and my comments are to inspire Marcos quest to demystify and report what he hears and report back. All our opinions are good

yes... I don’t appreciate a lot of gear made in China because most of the cheap stuff has issues, including has been ripped off. It may be cheap but that doesn’t mean it’s right in the big picture.

pcrecord Tue, 05/12/2020 - 12:50

kmetal, post: 464195, member: 37533 wrote: I'd be interested in hearing the diff when you use it with the inserts on the isa vs in series to the conversion. That's if your model if isa has the inserts.

Yes the ISA units I own have inserts, but I didn't think about it since you mention it.
I was planning on putting the Comp-3a in serial between the ISA and a line input of the UFX. My idea is, It will allow me to push the isa to saturation by lowering the comp-3a gain.
I'm not sure where the insert sits in the audio path of the ISA.. I need to check that.

Kurt Foster & audiokid : Altought your opinions and experiences differ, you've been both good help here and in numerous past thread..
Thanks to both of you !

audiokid Tue, 05/12/2020 - 13:14

Kurt Foster, post: 464201, member: 7836 wrote: what comment?

ahhhh ..... i think it was you who started with the China stuff ....

Absolutely. That’s what the WA251 is lol.

If we all took a stand and stopped buying products that have been ripping off others, I think we’d have better products, better opportunities inspired around quality and integrity. The cheap costs us way more down the road.

The person who designed the WA251 called it that for one intention... they used Asian manufacturing to sell a lie to us all. How’s it all working out for you/us now?


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