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Hi all!

I'm saving up for a new microphone for recording bass cabinets and need some advice...I've seen people use all kinds of microphones on the net from ribbon mikes, condenser mikes, dynamic mikes to regular kickdrum mikes. But what would be a good choise for this? A Sennheiser 421? A Shure b52? A combo with a sm57?

Thanks for any advice!


audiokid Tue, 10/30/2012 - 12:09

Kurt Foster, post: 395417 wrote: don't think there's a solution.

i run a Linux system ... "keeps the worms away". flash player has never worked for me.

ok looking .... i'm goona have to wait until the GF's son wakes up. need help as to what version (probably APT for Ubuntu 10.04)

and which application i should use.

Quicktime may work.

[[url=http://[/URL]="http://linux.softpe…"]Download Quicktime for Linux 2.2 for Linux - Quicktime for Linux is Quicktime support for Unix. - Softpedia[/]="http://linux.softpe…"]Download Quicktime for Linux 2.2 for Linux - Quicktime for Linux is Quicktime support for Unix. - Softpedia[/]

KurtFoster Tue, 10/30/2012 - 12:18

audiokid, post: 395418 wrote: Damn. We have got to change this, Kurt. How are you going to participate in any of these discussions? FWIW, I've never had a problem on Mac or Windows. I use Firefox and keep it updated. I don't visit many sites outside the pro audio arena and never download music or accept files without scanning them. Touch wood.

well you don' go around pissing people off the way i do. i've lost a few computers to worms and virus's. i'm pretty sure some of the children over at GS and PSW (before it turned into a ghost town) sent me a couple of jolts back when i was administrating here.

i haven't had one problem since i switched to Linux ... i used to have to get the os reinstalled about every 6 months when i was running windows. i run Firefox too.

KurtFoster Tue, 10/30/2012 - 12:30

i just noticed when i was clicking around on soundcloud how everything seemed to lead me to a facebook page. i don't hate the idea of social networking, it's just the spy factor that kreeeps me out

i have issues with anything that tracks my activity. just being on the net is bad enough. i would LOOVVVVEEEEE to have a smart phone but i can't get past their ability to record / go active and how your location can be tracked even if you have them turned off. i try to keep off the grid as much as possible (within reason).

btw i can download files off soundcloud if the posters allow it. no streaming though.

audiokid Tue, 10/30/2012 - 12:38

Well, the difference IMHO between the two tracks (bass, drums and Sax) is, astonishing and undeniable. Especially when it ONLY took 20 minutes to re track the online song, run it through my rig, track it to a second DAW and upload it back to soundcloud.

Hybrid rules and so does the Bricasti on the 2-bus. Tracking and mixing an entire session would be even greater.

KurtFoster Tue, 10/30/2012 - 13:28

ok .... the kid had flashblock enabled. simple fix.

unfortunately i don't have any monitoring gear hooked up. i'm going to pick out my best set of sony phones to listen through the on board sound card on my laptop. that's the best i can manage for the moment. i have an M Audio usb 2 channel box. at some point i will set up a pair of monitors and an amp (or maybe just buy some cheap powered monitors) and use that both for the comp and to amp up the tv, maybe even bring in the turntable and hook up with some vinyl!!!! (oh boy! BEATLES on parliphone pressings!)

all my stuff is stacked up in the shop out back (metal pole building with concrete floors). to use the space i would need to go for a couple thousand bucks for insulation. otherwise it's too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter and the ambient noise is untenable, not to mention i would probably drive my neighbors nuts. it's a big space 30 x 40 x 16 so i wouldn't need much in the way of room treatments but i do need something to hold in or keep out the heat / cold. considering there's absolutely ZERO chance of recouping the investment, i don't think it's something i will persue. same reason i'm selling all my gear.

took a listen to the original file. the kicks too loud and not appropriate. sounds like corn popping. a lot of pitch issues with the horns ...

KurtFoster Tue, 10/30/2012 - 13:44

Your killing me Kurt.

gimme a second here.

well i listened to your re do and i am impressed. the verb adds a good vibe helps with the pitch issues and it is a nice sounding reverb. i would have added a bit more of it though. :)

but what really impresses me is how much better the overall tone is and the gain your were able to squeeze out of it with the hybrid system. i do think we have an ME in the works here bud.

what i would like to hear you do with it is to sweep around in the 3 to 7 k area and see if you can notch out some of the "tick on the kick" and maybe pull out a little more articulation on the bass guitar with a slight narrow boost between 150 to 300 hZ?

audiokid Tue, 10/30/2012 - 13:54

Go figure. I go from wanting to choke you to love.... hehe. You really know how to charm a fella :redface:


Ah shucks!

I could do better on it in many ways. I spent 2 mins on the actual sonics. I kept the level down because I didn't want that to influence this, but had to lift it a bit. I could lift it another few DB without killing the transient sparkle but it would have been way to loud compared to the original which I didn't want simply because level increase can fool us into thinking something sounds better too.
If I had all the tracks, the difference would be pretty amazing. More and less verb on individual tracks .

Thanks for the compliments, I needed that.

Attached files

KurtFoster Tue, 10/30/2012 - 13:58

audiokid, post: 395430 wrote: Go figure. I go from wanting to choke you to love.... hehe. You really know how to charm a fella Thanks for the compliments, I needed that.

it's a thin line between love and hate. lol .. just remember i mean no harm, i am on your side. i just see things a bit different sometimes. that's ok though. they say the best friendships are those where the participants are opposits ... complementary to each other.

Davedog Wed, 10/31/2012 - 00:41

Thats a very interesting box. I like how it opened things up and enlarged the sonic soundscape with losing any fact bringing out detail previously buried.

Its a good thing to have an insight into newer methodology and demonstrations of the abilities of high-end and well engineered gear. I would hazard a guess that this is probably only going to be something embracable by a small percentage of folks in this business at a certain level.

I know something like this wouldn't do me much good even if somehow I was able to understand it. You just dont need gear like that to record the Blues or old rockers.

I had a studio partner many years ago that was also all samplers and midi-fied. I NEVER could get any of it to stick in my brain but the fidelity coming out of that small room at the time was on a par with multi-million dollar rooms. But we sure as heck could'nt put up a Marshall or even half of a drum kit and expect any sort of quality. It was simply a booth with a control room attached.

But for what it is worth, some things still required the knowledge of where to put things in a mix. Sampled or not, it required a grasp of the fundamentals that allow space in order to be effective as a musical part and partner effectively with other musical parts. Sometimes it was harder, simply because of the huge soundfield of some sampled instruments. Some of those orchestral synth sounds have SO MUCH inter harmonics that adding anything else to them gives an instant does of muddy footprints. But they sure do sound good.

Its one reason I can really appreciate musicians that can use this stuff to great advantage. I can't.

audiokid Wed, 10/31/2012 - 10:03


This thing is amazing. Even though I'm a techno geek, like most guitarist, my background is Blues and Rock. I even did a year tour with a 50's R&R band so I get what you are saying. I'm a musician (live) first, I understand acoustics. I've played in hundreds of rooms over the course of 18 years. I never had a home (per-say for the entire two decades.
There truly is no style that this will not benefit or excel at. If you are ever up for it, I'd be more than thrilled to do a sample on a song for you now or a year from now.

Thanks for listening!

"reamp guitars, reamp bass, reamp reverb, reamp a session and where it was recorded is just another process of the mixing and mastering game ".


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