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so I may be coming across 20 to 30 thousand dollars from a lawsuit from being hit by a drunk driver and I want to start up a professional business studio doing music, voice overs, jingles, and I would to also do field recording because I live in Utah and we have sundance here and that could have a lot of business here. I see ads on craigslist all the time for that. the question is what equipment should I get?


Kurt Foster Tue, 09/04/2012 - 21:40


Take a few of thousand and buy a decent interface, laptop, a set of good monitors and a few good mics. Add Studio One V2 software and then take the balance of your cash 16 /17 G's and buy gold and silver.

The recording business is a dieing dog. 30 thousand is NOT enough to start a studio that could survive.

There's an old saying; Do you know how to get a million dollars in the recording business? Start with 2 million.

please, someone, anyone, JUST SHOOT ME!