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Nice article about linux in the pro studio environment.


anonymous Tue, 03/18/2003 - 14:01

If I remember rightly Cubase used on to run the SGI Workstations, so Steinberg certainly have the Unix experience and codebase.

Would be cool to see one of the big applications running on Linux. I recently installed redhat 8.0 on a machine here and I am very impressed with the stability and speed of it. In the meantime my current favourite Unix DAW has an Apple logo on the side of it ;)


anonymous Fri, 04/04/2003 - 12:11

I remember that Nuendo was planned for Irix wich is a unix variant. Then they dropped the idea.
It is possible however that a good part of the recent Steinberg softwares is cross-plateform.
MacOSX being another unix clone too (although the GUI makes the difference).

Concerning wine, so far i hadn't much success with big apps. CDXtract works reasonnably well on akaiCD, awave (an old 6.x) works too.
SfArk-xtc works but not the full version.

But to go back on the audio-midi sequencer subject , i use MusE theses days and it works pretty well.
There are minor issues, but the midi side is stable. Audio is promising.
It is not as full featured, but I won't run CubaseSX or Logic anymore.
MusE will work well for "amateur" musiciens.
Pro users will lack synchro features, advanced audio editing, and complete VST support maybe.


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