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Hello everyone,

I'm in need of a little direction in my next mic purchase.

Here's what I have:

Sennheiser MD-421
Shure SM58
Shure SM-57
Shure SM-57
AKG D112
Audio-Technica PRO37

Here are my pre's:
Hamptone 2ch. tube
Sytek (w/BB on 3&4)
Seventh Circle Audio 2ch. A12 (on the way)

Here's what I'm trying to do:

1) Record rock and roll, generally in a instrument by instrument/overdub situation... record drums, then guitars, then organ, etc etc.
2) Record singer/songwriter stuff, stereo acoustic guitar, small percussion.
3) Perhaps record in a live situation, drums, guitar, organ all at once.

Here's what I'm thinking:
1) Get the josephson C42s so I will have a matched pair of SDC, should be great for acoustic, an alternative for the c414s for overheads.
2) Get a Royer ribbon mic, great for guitars and acoustic guitar (but I can only get one now... what about stereo acoustic? later I could get another)
3) I'd also like to get another switchable pattern LDC for room/vocals. AT4050? Studio Projects T3? what are better brands?

---what do you guys think?

My budget. >$1.3k mics are out of my budget.

Thanks a million!



LittleDogAudio Mon, 01/24/2005 - 09:11

Hey Brad, first off I'd like thank you for posing your question in a way that doesn't leave us wanting more info. Thanks for saving us time.

I would say look into a matched pair of avensons ($500 for both).
And then an AEA R84. (about $975).

With this set-up you have 3 very versatile mics that can be used for mucho sources. It seems like you have the LDC covered with the 414's

My .02

