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I am a long time home writer/recorder (on tape) and I'm finally ready to move to digital. I plan on setting up a DAW and have a 933Mhz G4 w OS X.
I am none too quick on the uptake of learning from manuals. I'd rather just jump in and learn as I go, using the manual when I get stuck. I realize that I am going to have to dive deep into the manual of whatever software that I end up with. I am starting totally form scratch again here with digital. I write and record guitar based pop and have been using midi drums and keys and finally my own lame vocals. Have narrowed software choices to either DP 4 or Logic 6. I would appreciate opinions/suggestions as to which of these programs might be best suited for my sitch. I want the bast sounding yet easiest to learn program. Not sure which of the MOTU front end units I should get either. Not asking for much am I?



Kurt Foster Wed, 04/09/2003 - 10:00

If you’re going to go with MOTU as an interface, I recommend you also go with Digital Performer. This coupled with a Mac, is a powerful package from a company that is well entrenched and will be around for a long time. I am a bit suspicious of Logics recent retreat into Mac only applications, leaving their PC users basically "stranded" at some point. Willingly giving up a portion of market share is never a good sign. Especially at a time when PCs are "coming into their own". It is a curious market strategy. ??? Give yourself a few days, you'll be recording and cutting and pasting right with the rest of us! Cheers, Kurt

Divo Wed, 04/09/2003 - 16:45

I personally think that Logic still is the way to go. But don't bother with the windows platform if you can avoid it. Its not the PC hardware thats the problem, it's the OS. Logic is a great all rounder and its VST support makes plugins more available. Cubase is ok but it has a less intuative GUI. Protools is a dinosaur with so many limitations due to its coupling with hardware that its a wonder anyone bothers or can afford to bother. Yeh their gear is pretty good but you can do a lot more for your dollar with Motu hardware. DP is right up there but the GUI slows it down a little, Plugins can be a bit of a bummer too. Cubase SX looks like it may be the next best thing, but I have not yet had a chance to play with it. Last and absolutely least is Cakewalk Sonar. (A complete and very bad joke!)

Apple bought out emagic which has got to be a good thing because they won't have to develop for winblows anymore.DP has not sufferd from being Mac based, infact it is very stable indeed. Both as a software package and in the market place. From what I can tell most larger studios prefer to run Macs anyway.

UncleBob58 Thu, 04/10/2003 - 05:30

From personal experience, go with the DP. The biggest reason is that the integration between MOTU software and hardware is pretty much effortless. I get the feeling you just want to create and not be bothered becoming a "Techie". DP is easy to use right out of the box with just a basic understanding of MIDI and digital audio and their tech support is great. DP is the poor mans ProTools (in my humble opinion). (I'm sure that will spark a HUGE debate!!!)

My best advice, no matter what you end up using, is do not be intimidated. It's really very simple, but there is A LOT of simple.

MisterBlue Wed, 04/16/2003 - 20:38

I'm a long time user of Logic (now in a cul-de-sac with version 5.5.1 on PC) and I would acknowledge that the software is not "start the program and record". As with all very powerful programs a solid amount of configuring, setting and adjusting can usually not be avoided. After years of use I am still finding features every now and then that I didn't know about :eek: .

I would absolutely not worry about Logic not being "future-proof" because Apple discontinued Windows support (although I was truly pissed when it happened). Apples motives are very clear and easily understandable: Their key business is selling very high priced computers. To justify such an expensive purchase there need to be some very convincing arguments. Logic Audio is such an argument - about the best recording software out there. Getting control over these killer applications is part of the strategy. Apple are very interested in keeping Logic the best possible Audio program out there.

On the other hand it should also be mentioned that OS 10.2 is giving audio software companies a real headache. The switch caused loads of compatibility and stability problems. Windows XP is today surprisingly a much more stable platform than 10.2. This, however, holds true for both Logic and DP.

Just my view,


3dchris Mon, 04/21/2003 - 10:01

In the past I used variety of programs (inluding Samplitude, DP3, Cubase 5, Cubase SX, Nudendo, Sonar and Logic 5.5) I have to state it very clearly: nothing comes even close to logic. It is not the simplest one to learn but I find it the most logical of all. On top of that the way the virtual instruments/midi and audio files are handled is superb. Mixes sound really good and even Logic's built in effects (like tape delay) sound not too bad. Logic is the way to go if you have Mac comp.

