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Hello, how do I create continuous audio files in Nuendo by way of consolidating each audio track into a single file, so that I can then import those tracks in to Pro-Tools.
I have 5 projects on Nuendo that I would like to mix in Pro-tools. Thanks : )


Guest Mon, 06/03/2002 - 18:47

I know ProTools has a "consolidate regions" command that does just that, but not being familiar with Nuendo, I don't know if there is an equivalent.

However, as a last resort, in any software I would imagine that you could just rerecord or bounce a track with multiple regions onto a new track. As long as the recording is in one continuous pass you'll have one new file replacing the old multiple ones. If you do that on every track, making sure the starting point for each one is identical - then exporting into ProTools should be easy. You could probably set it up so you could do the whole song in one or two passes, depending on how many tracks there are.

But maybe a Nuendo expert can tell you an easier way.