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hi guys
stuoid topic but i really want to know

tell me about this amp if u know about it

thank you alot


moonbaby Tue, 11/22/2005 - 07:29

The Valvestate Series from Marshall is not really a tube amp, and the models that have a "tube"in them are kidding you. It is simply a 12AX7 that is run "starved", meaning they don't give it all the power it was designed to operate from. The tube distorts badly when this occurs, but the harmonic tone from that is not "smooth'n'creamy", but very rough. It is all sales and marketing hype. Save your money for a REAL Marshall amp.Until that happens, stay clear of a cheap tube amp.They are not reliable and disappointing. You might check out a Tech21 Trademark 10 or Fender Princeton if you want a reasonably portable decent-sounding amp on a budget...