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Check this out! Hallalujah! Now we need to get this on Cubase SX as well! For those of us that use the UAD-1 card, this is absolutely critical!

This is such great news, I can hardly stand it! :D Now all of us SX users need to chant: "SX...SX...SX..."

Generally speaking I appreciate discussions which are based on facts: but these discussions based on second-hand rumours are less than helpful. I think we all know, from our experiences of user forums, that often the development of a topic takes on a life of its own and very soon people forget about the dodgy source material ;-)
Regarding the question whether Nuendo 2.0 will have delay compensation on groups I just want to state the following in order to help people understand our position on the issue. From the horses mouth so to speak.

The new Nuendo 2.0 mixer will have full (!) delay compensation in the complete (!) audio signal path.

I would write the above in all capitals but that would be going to far, wouldn’t it? ;-)

Additional information about Nuendo 2.0 only from Steinberg websites going online during AES show.

Anyway back to work for me to get Nuendo 2.0 to the market as soon as possible.

All the best


Lars Baumann - Product Management
Steinberg Media Technologies AG

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