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weird fuse problem

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Submitted by crazy_guitar on

this question is for people with some electrical knowldge. I have a Marshall JCM800, and the fuse broke down, so I bouth a pack of 3 fuses, each is 1amp, like the Marshall requires. I replaced the bad fuse, and the new one broke down five minutes later, playing at mid level, when I replaced it, i broke again, and again... I need help, why is this happening? each time it took about 5 mins to break down. Also I have to say that the amp was plugged were a lot of things where connected like the computer, monitors etc... the fuse in this amp breaks like around every 2-3 weeks, which I dont care much. What can the problem be? is it where the amp is connected? something inside the amp? can I change the fuse with a more powerfull fuse besides 1amp? will it damege the amp! it weird cause I have replaced the fuse before and it was ok, maybe I got a bad pack of fuses?
