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I'm looking at new insurance policies. How do the project/mid-sized studios set-up insurance? Are you just insuring the gear itself? Do you have business liabilty insurance? What if you travel w/ gear? Do you have a floater-policy?


Guest Tue, 04/23/2002 - 16:12

You can insure ANYTHING - ANYWAY you want.

All the gear at your base + The maximum you imagine taking way from your base.

I walked into my insurers with a 'map' and paper cut-outs... I used the cut-outs on the map to get across the various (complicated) scenarios my gear can get into.

They LOVED that! :)

Guest Wed, 04/24/2002 - 09:32

As a member of the musician's union, i insure everything i own through their group instrument inusrance policy. (Seabury & Smith out of Park Ridge, Illinois is the underwriter) All my gear is covered at home, on the road, in the car, or whatever. Premiums are approximately one percent of the insured value. You could always consider joining the musician's union if you don't come up with a good alternative.

All of my specifically computer-type gear i insure through SAFEWARE out of Columbus, Ohio.

pete Wed, 04/24/2002 - 10:47

I use a business rider attached to my homeowners that covers all my gear at my studio ( attached to the house.) doesn't cover stuff I take out though, I would have to get a 2nd rider for that. If you own or are buying a house talk to your insurer. when I had an apartment I did the same thing just under renters insurance. Good Luck.