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I thought I'd share this remote recording story. Sorry no audio sound samples of this piano recording yet. I''ll have to clear it with the client. I'd appreciate reactions, comments or sharing of your own experiences in remote recording whether piano or other instruments.

Recording in the trenches, haul the studio out to record a baby grand piano
[/] One lazy Wednesday afternoon in April, I was thrilled and challenged by a rather unique call - for Sound Weavers to record a baby grand piano concert to be performed at a particular residence. Hmmm, ok. So I have always thought that such a remote recording requirement will come, and I have been surely preparing for - ensuring that our recording studio staff and equipment will be ready for such task when the opportunity, time - and the call - comes knocking. Here's how we did it, [[url=http://="http://www.sound-we…"]recording a baby grand piano in the trenches[/]="http://www.sound-we…"]recording a baby grand piano in the trenches[/] baby!

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