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This is the last round.
You’ve all done extremely well. 8-)

There is a small chance for someone to claI'm the first prize aside from the obvious …., however that chance is fading fast. :(

Second Prize, on the other hand, is within the reach of a few of you….. :D



BRI: 325

PR0GR4M : 290

FREAKY : 280

ZEMLIN : 230



GROFF : 180

GOMP : 110


The first contestant to pass the 500 point mark shall automatically be awarded First Prize……
Second Prize shall be awarded to the next highest score although Sebatron reserves the right to decide if there will be an extra 'Play-off' question in-between.

Anyone who scores higher than 250 points is eligible for a Sebatron discount on a particular Sebatron product.
. .or a Special Sebatron C.D. package .


Good luck.
Always be polite and courteous and respond well to stimuli.


Close to the Edge. Yes.
True/False? (7 points)
Skins. Alan or William ? (8 points)

Just give me the basics.Just two words in two different colours.
Only answers posted excactly on or after five minutes of this post accepted.
Only first four answers eligible for full points.

By the time you have read this,
your time would've started.

So get to it !


Topic Tags


Sebatron Thu, 10/19/2006 - 11:24



BRI: 347

PR0GR4M : 316

FREAKY : 292


ZEMLIN : 251


GROFF : 187

GOMP : 110


audiokid : 15

This may be the last question for this years quiz.
Prizes winners will be announced the following day if we have winners. GOOD LUCK to all...... 8-)


You are to choose only one of the following questions to answer....
Only the first correct answer of each question will be awarded the points....

a/ Name the first three people to fly around the moon and back.
(8 points )

b/ When you close the refrigerator door does the little interior light usually stay on or does it turn off? Yes or No? (9 points )
How would one know as the door is closed and there's no real way to confirm it by sight? (extra 5 bonus points for a brief twelve word explanation).

c/ What does Dante's inclusion of Ulysses (and his role in the Trojan War) in 'Dante's Inferno ' symbolize in the real world ? clue: eighth circle ( 50 points ..... no more than fifteen words .... )

Good luck to all ,
Your time is ticking away...


pr0gr4m Thu, 10/19/2006 - 12:23

Sebatron wrote:
b/ When you close the refrigerator door does the little interior light usually stay on or does it turn off? Yes or No? (9 points )

No, it turns off.

Sebatron wrote:
How would one know as the door is closed and there's no real way to confirm it by sight? (extra 5 bonus points for a brief twelve word explanation).

Cut off the back of the fridge and close the door. Observe. :lol:

Sebatron Fri, 10/20/2006 - 11:24

!!!! We have winners !!!!: 8-)


Cygnus X-2 Class A Solid State preamp

2nd Prize :BRI
Cygnus X-2 Class A Solid State preamp (demo/proto )
Each valued at over $1200 USD.


Both of you did extremely well . Well done !
.....BTW ,, never thought of sticking a camera in a fridge ..... good idea ....

Contact me with your details….
to make arrangements for your prizes.

The following are eligible for a special discount on a Sebatron unit of their choice (excluding THORAX) from Sebatron direct…. 8-)


Just contact me : and let me know if your're in the market for a preamp.....


........Also a big thankyou to the following:


………For their contributions and witty sidelines…….. :D

Thankyou all again ,
I hope you all enjoyed the ~Sebatron~ Quiz.:shock:

Keep well and Take it Easy !


zemlin Fri, 10/20/2006 - 12:14

Sebatron wrote: !!!! CONGRATULATIONS !!!! DAVID FRENCH & BRI


.....BTW ,, never thought of sticking a camera in a fridge ..... good idea ....

Just make sure the flash is off :o

The following are eligible for a special discount on a Sebatron unit of their choice (excluding THORAX) from Sebatron direct…. 8-)

8-) Thanks!

Thankyou all again ,
I hope you all enjoyed the ~Sebatron~ Quiz.:shock:

Entertaining and frustrating as always. Every year I'm amazed by the obscure stuff you dig up. Thanks for your time and generosity!

I haven't figured out how David and Bri can be on top of this forum like they are and still have any sort of life ... (perhaps that's a clue :lol: ) - but I think I'm going to have to start now to improve my system. Email alerts clearly don't cut it. There has to be a better way. I'll be ready next year!! :twisted:

pr0gr4m Fri, 10/20/2006 - 12:30


Thanks goes out to the "Reload Every" add-on for Firefox, without which I would never had been able to compete. Also big thanks goes out to the makers of VNC who allowed me to connect to a different machine where I had Firefox reloading every 10 seconds...allowing me to participate and keep it on the down low here at work.

Most of all, Thank You Seb. Great contest.

pmolsonmus Fri, 10/20/2006 - 12:34

Cygnus X-2 Class A Solid State preamp

2nd Prize :BRI
Cygnus X-2 Class A Solid State preamp (demo/proto )
Each valued at over $1200 USD.


Both of you did extremely well . Well done !
.....BTW ,, never thought of sticking a camera in a fridge ..... good idea ....

Contact me with your details….
to make arrangements for your prizes.

The following are eligible for a special discount on a Sebatron unit of their choice (excluding THORAX) from Sebatron direct….


Just contact me : and let me know if your're in the market for a preamp.....


........Also a big thankyou to the following:


God bless us....everyone ---
Tiny Tim (no, not the guy with the long hair and ukelele)

Bri Fri, 10/20/2006 - 13:22

Hey guys!

Just wanted to say Congratulations to everyone, and that it's always great having you all here for the contest. It's our annual get-together. Good to see new the faces around this year as well.

Thanks Zemlin, mhughes, groff and freaky for your congrats and compliments throughout.

Zemlin, you forgot to add "very stressful" to your list.

Hey progr4m, the same thing happens to me as you remarked about right before/"after" Sebatron posted sneaky question 12,13,14.

This year's award for creativity and good humor goes to pmolsonmus and freaky. I'll send you your prizes.

Dave had a great lead there, but I constantly felt like I was being chased down by a hungry pack of wolves. Next contest will prove to be very competitive and entertaining...I'll be watching you all from the sidelines...unless you want me in so you can kick my arse. I'd say kick Dave's arse, but I'm not so sure he's a real person. There is evidence that suggests he actually may just be a rogue, artificial intelligence program.

And of course a very special thanks to the very generous Sebatron himself. Not many people in this world can and do offer such a great opportunity....year after year.

A big cheers to everyone...drinks are on the house!


anonymous Fri, 10/20/2006 - 17:45

It's been a lot of fun again this year!!! Way to go, David, Bri and everyone, you can now resume your normal lives! (Although you may feel a bit of emptiness as you race to your computer first thing and realize that you don't have to spend theday camping in front of it... :-? ) Once again, a big thanks to ~Sebatron~ 8-) ! Your generosity is staggering and, as usual, I've learned a lot. Sometimes it seems that this contest is the best opportunity all year for me to stretch my brain... Thanks!


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