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Originally posted by Davedogg;

I'm a slut for the gear itself. ("Hello my name is Dave and I'm a gearslut").

As a socially responsible entity, should institute it's own 12 step program for members that are hopelessly addicted to recording equipment..?


realdynamix Fri, 05/16/2003 - 15:34

Gear Slut 12 step program.

Steps 1, and 2.

(1) We admitted we were powerless over gear purchases, and that our racks have become unmanageable.

(2) We determined that a power greater than ourselves, like EveAnna, Fletcher, Jules, and now Kurt Foster is responsible for this.

hee hee


KurtFoster Fri, 05/16/2003 - 22:50

The “Gearsluts” 12 step program:
Many thanks to Davedogg for the inspiration and to Rick Hamming for "sponsoring" me and helping me find the courage to see this through. I feel so much better, now that I have this off my chest!

1. We admit we are powerless over gear purchases, and that our racks have become unmanageable.

2. We determine that a power greater than ourselves, like EveAnna, Rupert Neve, Alan Hyatt, and Sebatron is responsible for this.

3. We will make a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of Recording Equipment as we understood it

4. We will make a searching and fearless inventory of our gear.

5. We will admit to Mix Magazine surveys and everyone at Recording.Org. what equipment we plan on purchasing in the next 12 months.

6. We will be entirely willing to have equipment reviewers and sales reps make suggestions as to which gear we should consider for purchase.

7. We will humbly ask for at least a 30% discount. Dealer cost would be better.

8. We will make a list of all equipment we have slammed, knocked and put down and admit that while it is not what we want, it may be perfect for someone else’s use.

9. We will make direct amends to such people who use the gear we insulted wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.

10. We will continue to take personal inventory of our equipment and when we are wrong about a purchase, promptly admit it.

11. We will seek through experience to improve our abilities with equipment as we understood it, striving only for knowledge of its uses for us and the recording chops to carry that out.

12. Having had ear training and gaining increased listening skills as a result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to others and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

realdynamix Tue, 05/27/2003 - 21:24

:) HI Golli! This was just a spoof as per another sites forum name, Jules used to be here as a regular. This is not to poke fun at "The original 12 step program of AA" now used in many programs, taken as serious, the 12 step program has restored a fulfilling life to millions of people. BTW, I had a choice to be stationed in Iceland for the military, and picked it. But, got sent elsewhere. I thought it would be cool for the music, with a degree of solidude. hee hee


KurtFoster Tue, 05/27/2003 - 22:24

Originally posted by golli:
You guys seem very familiar to the 12 steps, especially you Kurt, detailed list.
How come??

May 1985 I had my last drink... Never looked back.
I actually looked up the 12 steps on the web and then modeled that bit from it. But in no way am I making fun of the 12 steps.. if that works for someone, more power to them. For myself, I just stopped and never drank again with no help. I was a major boozer (quart of J.D. a day and lots of beer) and what I term as an "instant asshole, just add alcohol..", and it was becoming a problem in all my relationships. So I just stopped. never had an desire to start again. Actually, now I can't even stand being around someone who is drinking. Kurt

golli Tue, 05/27/2003 - 22:32

Actually, now I can't even stand being around someone who is drinking. Kurt

Thats one main reason I quit my last band.
A friend of mine who was with me in that band now works as an engineer at the biggest Pro Studio here and about the time I quit we could have done lots of demos and fooled around there, a chance of a lifetime, for me anyway. But to much drinking around me was enough, plus few other minor reasons. Thats why I'm fiddling with this home studio thing now, I have allways found it more pleasing to record, than gigging
I'm glad to hear your (short) story, Kurt :)

realdynamix Tue, 05/27/2003 - 22:40

Originally posted by golli:
I know that you guys were not putting down the AA.
BTW do all Americans have to join the army once in their life?

:) Golli, No, when a young man turns 18, he signs up for the selective service, a draft if ever needed. For me, it was in effect in 1969, my number was next to be called to fight in Vietnam. I had a choice to enlist, at the cost of an extra year of service 3, and 3 more inactive reserve, and choice out of 4 places to go, but they sent me where they needed me anyway. No regrets, and the war was winding down at the time.


realdynamix Tue, 05/27/2003 - 23:42

Originally posted by golli:

but they sent me where they needed me anyway

And where did they send you Rick??

Stuttgart Germany.


Is it Gearslut-o-hisim, if you have lost countless nights of sleep over some hardvare??

Na, that's just normal, even if you went to the gear store in your pajama's you wouldn't sleep untill you can play with it. You just work on the gear till you finally fall asleep, it's the only way.

anonymous Wed, 07/02/2003 - 19:02

Instant Solution to Gear Addiction?
Get married.

"Honey, I need more stuff..."

I was at a friend's house recently and took notice to how whipped he was - I doubt he'd use an extra "square" of toilet paper, unless she gave him permission to...

I dig chicks, but I dig toys, too....

What are you married folks doing?

Treena Foster Tue, 07/08/2003 - 01:25

I saw this thread and I couldn't resist the urge to post a reply :p

I'm Kurts wife and I am a bigger gear slut then he is. I think this was one of my attractions to him....more gear please..I NEED another bass guitar, geeze then we start making you buy this, then I get never ends :roll:

I :h: every minute of it too.

Treena...Mrs. Fats


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