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http:// charges $80 to put a PC together and test it:

    I'm think of having them build our favorite Asus p4b266.

    mwave has received positive reviews, in other other posts here, as a source of parts.


  • does anyone have any pro or con comments about using them for building a PC?
  • Comments

    Opus2000 Mon, 06/10/2002 - 09:11

    SOS...yes I offer this service. It's on my website under services..
    Something like this I charge $150.00 plus shipping.
    The time I take and the loop testing I do for audio based machines is worth every penny.
    I have done a couple of these so far with great results.
    Jetoney is one of em and the other..I can't remember his user name here! lol

    Tommy P. Mon, 06/10/2002 - 15:15

    does anyone have any pro or con comments about using them for building a PC?

    FUGGEDDABOUTIT, make it an OPUS2000!

    LOL, when the man says he'll build a world class DAW machine for $150.00 service charge, configured, tweaked and loop tested, its a no brainer. And think of all that tech support if you ever need it! :D :cool: