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OK folks, this isn't funny anymore. smoke

For the past 6 weeks I have been hearing more and more deficiencies in my tracking/mixing room. Today I just discovered a ringing sound right around where a snare drum rings. My room bounces that around real good. Yesterday it was a spike at 612 Hz, and last week I heard my ceiling in one of my vocal tracks. (I was singing a high part, so I had to raise the mic up high to 'stretch' for the notes.)

It's getting worse each day! Pretty soon I won't be able to record here anymore, and I haven't the money to build a facility.

What must I do to EQ out the room? I have tons of plugins for EQ. There must be a way to do it without buying a reference mic which I cannot afford.

Argh! My keyboard tapping is bouncing of the wall to the right, and I can't mix with the bathroom door open anymore!

PS. Just kidding about the Damn you all part. May you live a thousand years, your wife be top heavy, and your children strong, intelligent, and beautiful.


kmetal Sun, 05/19/2013 - 00:01

What must I do to EQ out the room?

tame the room so you you don't have to use eq. help make the room work w/ you, or at least not get in the way.

[[url=http://[/URL]="… "] 6 Economy Moving Blanket 72x80" 40# Professional Quilted: Home Improvement[/]="… "] 6 Economy Moving Blanket 72x80" 40# Professional Quilted: Home Improvement[/]

these have been used since the dawn of recording and are subjectively effective at taming some of the mid-upper mids.

Search 'super chunk' bass traps. for a couple hundred bucks you can make your room better. it's like eq'ing the room, but in a more physical way, than adjusting phase relationships via an eq knob/slider.

if your just straight up broke, and i know the feeling well, use old sweatshirts, t-shirts, quilts, couch cushions. Anything soft you can get your hands on. it's far from ideal, and tough to predict by the numbers, but better than nothing, and w/ enough experimentation you'll find something that works.

stop the problem at the source. if your on a tour bus for 2 months and haven't showered for 5 days, just cuz you put cologne on doesn't mean ya don't stink. dig?

if ya have some money you can buy foam, or make your own rigid fiberglass panels.

JohnTodd Sun, 05/19/2013 - 09:44

7 ft. Regular residential bedroom stuff. Thank god for the large bed in there.

Yeah, I'm flat broke. I'm going to do what kmetal proposes and get all things fluffy stuck on the wall or hung from mic stands. One thing I have 10 of is mic stands. 1 for the mic, 1 for the pop filter, and 8 "standin'" around. All boom stands, too.

Space Sun, 05/19/2013 - 11:23


I wouldn't beat myself up too much over this. These things are all "good things". Why is it good? Because you are getting better at understanding your environment which leads to better decisions which leads to better recordings.

Moon suggested a cloud over the drums...I would suggest one where ever that voice mic is as well.