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I have been getting familiar with the Cubase software w/ LE . In the past Have always recorded in stereo tracks per instrument i.e Keybd left+right, guitar L+R. In order to keep the nice spatial spread when using f/x.
I noticed when I record trk 1 (Audio 00) on the scrnshot that it is in stereo . But when I go to the next track to record it is only in mono. How can I change the setting to stereo input in each Cuebase track?

The screenshot shows 2 thin lines in trk audio00
trk audio01 shows one thin line
Hence stereo for the first trk, mono for second trk -
sorry thin lines are without audio for speed of getting this problem online

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anonymous Mon, 12/08/2008 - 10:24


I use Cakewalk LE w/ Firepod. Perhaps this is too simple an answer, but I toggle stereo mono by expanding the track size vertically to see all the controls on the left. Then, click the button with a circle in it - once you do that it turns into two circles and the track becomes stereo. I haven't been able to toggle a track that already has audio in it. Maybe your problem is more complicated, however. If this is still a problem for you (post is a week old), give me more detail and I can probably help.

sturoc Tue, 12/09/2008 - 00:18

Thanks , I had reloaded Cueb LE the other day due to an OS reinstall and all is good. Tracks have the above mentioned circle button which I can now select for stereo /mono on any track. There must have been a saved preference setting or something along those lines that defaulted trks to mono.
All is good thanks to your help.


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