Power cable routing

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By sturoc, Wed, 11/02/2011 - 14:49

Kinda of unsure where to post this topic exactly.
I have 2 Furmans power conditioners that are loaded with gear such as monitors, f/x, DAW Controller, Kybd midi controller...
Most of the power cables are routed away from any audio snakes and other cables.
It is a fairly tight set up on a custom built studio desk.
So what is the best way to deal with excess power cords from some of this gear ? I would rather not cut and redo connectors just to shorten a run.
I work in the concert touring side of things and when we run power we are always coiling figure 8's so there is no field build up by running along cables parallel paths.


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I expect that you know this, but just in case someone doesn't, the correct name for the kind of detachable cable used on many audio units is an IEC cable and they are available on line ready made in just about any length you want. At least for these you should be able to route them the way you want without any slop.

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When I have excess cables I usually coil the excess in an area not directly near an audio line. In a CR you aren't normally moving equipment around at all on a regular basis so leaving spare cable looped near the ends is not an issue. Other than that, the same rules apply in studio as on the road-when possible. 18" minimum between AC and audio/video cabling and if they must cross, do so perpendicular fashion. In a CR this of course is often not possible so you just do the best you can. I use a lot of zip ties and plastic cable clamps to keep things as separated as I can.

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Just as a FWIW....with any audio rack applications, try to route all your power cords down one side and all your low voltage/audio stuff down the opposite side.
One thing you can use is Panduit attached to the inside of the rack down each side. Keeps everything neat and tidy and if you get the larger size it has room to coil excess lengths inside.
Like Jack said everything should be routed at 90 degrees if you need to cross.
And if you notice most power cords on racked equipment are designed to come out on the same side.