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Hi guys. I'm back with another question that will help me and the lurkers. Now that I figured out that I want the Msp5's over the KRK V6's (gotta do final in store test to make sure), now Im looking at soundcards. I make Hip Hop. so i need that Warm Sound of Basses and the crisp snap of Snares. Which card would suit me best MBox, Emu 1820, RME. I know the interface is not the only entrance to warm sound heaven but its one of the most important rite? Of these 3 which has the best converters.


Cucco Tue, 08/02/2005 - 06:06


You are wanting to work in the digital realm. However, audio in its purest state is analog. To get the analog into the digital realm, you must have an A/D (analog to digital) converter which takes the analog information contained in an audio wave and turns it into numbers representing frequency and amplitude and time. (The three components of sound).

In turn, you'll also need something to take that digital audio and once again make it analog (or voltage in other words) so that a speaker can playback your music. All CD Players, DVD Players, Soundcards, etc. have built in DACs (Digital to Analog Converters). However, the quality is the problem.

As far as "warm" digital, there is no such thing. There is accurate digital and inaccurate digital. Inaccurate digital (often attributed to a bad clock) sounds harsh and brittle because it can't resolve the higher frequencies at an acceptable accuracy. Of course, then there's always the debate about the quality of the componentry before and after the converter chip.

In general, all of the boxes that you mention do a fine job of conversion. My personal preference would be for the RME. They're versatile and sound very accurate. I don't think you can go wrong with them.

As for warmth - keeping your signal chain as clean, good, and pure as possible will help this. Avoid using lots of outboard effects for the time being. While they may be sometimes helpful, you're simply adding stuff to the signal chain which will degrade it.

I'm not suggesting that you never should use outboard gear - I find it to be quite nice. I'm suggesting that you not use "cheap" outboard gear (cheap quality, not price - definitely not the same) that you're not quite familiar with what it does.

A good vocalist + a good mic + a good pre + a good converter = Warm sound 8)

I hope this helps.


Opus2000 Wed, 08/03/2005 - 09:49

Cucco wrote:

As far as "warm" digital, there is no such thing.

Ummm...sure there is...touch an Apogee converter box that has been on for several hours! lmao :lol:

Had to...sorry! :D

Now, onto the subject at hand. I agree totally with Cucco. RME would be the best way to go in the long run for several reasons...great sounding boxes, very stable drivers(very important) and a huge user base of users around the world. You can't find a better interface for the money these days....

Having worked for Apogee electronics for a few years I have learned what sounds good and what doesn't. Having been dealing with DAW's for over 8+ years I've learned a good deal about what it takes to make one solid.

I do a ton of R&B/Rap/Hip Hop in the LA area. For my audio card I have an RME 96/52 card(Non-HDSP) and use an APogee Mini-DAC for my DA. If you want that warm sound..that's what you should is IMHO a great sounding D/A converter. Very transparent, great stereo imaging and very flexible in it's operation. It also goes to 11!! :D

Just some input...

Opus :D

anonymous Mon, 08/08/2005 - 23:16

if you are really looking for that warm sound, buy yourself, a kick ass preamp. i have been recording for a number of years now, and i was always frustrated with not being able to capture low end freqeuncies, proplerly, like killer bass guitar for example.

So, i coughed up the 3,000 or so, and bought a focusrite blue.

Now, things are looking up. Best purchase yet. A little hard on the pocket book, but, thank god for payment plans. This thing will change your life. I sometimes, run, my bacon and eggs through it, and for some reason, its just tates better....
