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I've been recording for a couple years now...personal projects and high school aged bands. I recently got back in touch with a band my old band used to play with, and they started a video production company. One of the members manages bands. They are doing awesome work on music videos, skateboarding videos..etc. They want me to record demos for some of their less established clients and use what I record as the sound in their videos. To me this is huge! This could be a huge break for me, but now I'm second guessing if I can deliver them the quality product they need. They like my current work, but it isn't making me feel any less nervous.

Someone give me words of encouragement because I've got myself so scared I'm about to poop in my pants!


anonymous Tue, 10/05/2004 - 15:46

Just go for it...and give it all your best...that's all you can do...

Try to learn from everything......and do better the next time.

Every session I do I learn something..and the next one is that much better....

We're all human......and make just do your best..have a good attitude...that's all that matters..

Also...make sure you have some way of checking your mixes through a small tv and it's speakers...because of the nature of the work that's going to be your most listened to medium.....smaller tv's and their onboard speakers....

If you need to you can send me the stuff to mix.....

e-mail me if you want details..

KurtFoster Tue, 10/05/2004 - 15:51

They like what you are doing !!! They asked you to do the project! ... That speaks volumes! Don't be timid ... go for it with all that you can muster and don't look back! If you fail, at least you'll know you tried. Try to do the best you can but ... "Don't go changin' to try and please them" ... :D :D :D Congrats on landing th' gig!

anonymous Tue, 10/05/2004 - 16:44

Trial by fire, man!!
nobody ever gets a break slowly - there always comes a time that someone throws you into the deep end, and you just have to go for it, even though it may seem like it's over your head.

Chances are - you'll deliver. You're probably better than you think you are.. and if you're not, you will be quickly.
