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4 piece alternative rock band, any feedback would be appreciated


chasmar Thu, 02/21/2013 - 20:24

Wow, what an awesome song! Unique vocals. I had a vision when I was listening to it though:

1)Delay/reverb for more distant vocal sound on the chorus.
2)Delay/reverb for more captivating sound on the vocals during bridge (mid section). Slow on the quarter notes of one side and eights notes of the other side of the channel in the slowed time signature. Carry delay to and through the chorus.
3)Would be nice if the chorus were to arrive back in along with the end guitar solo after a few measures to carry it out.

Hope you don't mind my two cents!


Brotherj Thu, 03/07/2013 - 16:26

Not bad. I like the tune pretty well. Yeah the vox need a bit of work, but the tune has a pretty cool vibe. I like the guitar tone. Mostly in the spot right before the solo. The mix needs some work as well and that place b4 the solo was where i could hear the guitar the best, so i think thats where that comment came from. I think i have an identical snare drum. In color at the very least.

Voiceofallanger Mon, 03/11/2013 - 04:27

Your bass is very very overpowering in my opinion, it's cool to have a really interesting bassline like that, but it doesn't mean you have to sacrifice the guitars to get it to be heard. If I were to mix this I'd probably get the guitars to sound less digital and whack them up front a bit more. If you want the bass guitar to be so foward then my personal recommendation would be to slash some mids off the guitars and boost them quite far forward and push the mids on the bass. You've got the kick/bass balance right and they're not fighting but I think considering your sound you need more drive. The solo sounds great but it's not as forward as the vocal is which I actually always use as an indication of overall balance in rock.

This is all opinion of course and totally subjective, anyway, that's the "criticism" out of the way. I like the song, it's really well written and I like the style, it's got a little bit of a "hole" feel to it.

If I can help any way at all then give me a shout.

Great tune guys, good luck.

audiokid Sun, 11/24/2013 - 17:18

Nobody else here? Paul needs a few more opinions than just mine?

Just in case you changed something or I needed fresh ears from the last time, I listened again.

Its starts out really cool but after she comes in, the song starts pumping and saturating. The comp you are using is chocking bad. Its not recovering fast enough to where its holding her in the mix. Reminds me of my 2500. What is it you are using? It all sounds very congested. Cymbals are pretty razor too.
I hear the awesome direction you are going with this band, its really cool Paul, but I know you can do better!
Sounds like you might be mixing too loud?

anonymous Wed, 03/05/2014 - 13:39

It might be a better idea to start a new thread for different songs. :)

Regarding the original song (Inside) the mix doesn't sound even - sometimes the bass is too much, sometimes it's the drums. Good players, though. I like the lead vocalist's voice and tone, but as Chris mentioned she's slightly pitchy, although I think her vocal is a good effort. I normally like lots of bass but I think Voiceofallanger is right, this bass part is very busy and may need to come down.

In spite of these critiques overall it's a good song and the band played well - good job.


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