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I want to get the best sounding drum tracks I can make at home.

I'm thinking of going with Sure or Audix.

Does anyone have a suggestion of personal preference?



anonymous Wed, 11/30/2005 - 13:02

There a few questions taht need to be addressed before peeps can help you out with this. You can get an amazing drum sound with three mics if you are looking for a jazz kit. But a kickin' jazz sound is going to be weak in a rock track.

Shure and Audix both make some quality mics that you can get quality sounds out of, however they dont do much in the way of overheads.

So you can see there a few things we need to know before we can help you out.


1. What sound are you going for
2. How many mic pre's / inputs do you have

anonymous Thu, 12/01/2005 - 01:29

Nevermind I already went out and blew over 700 today on A 7 pack of Audix mics.....

Well that included everything like:

Stands, cables and mics.

If these are crap then I'll probably just go blow another grand next week :)

But yeah what are your suggestions as far as cost worthy? My choice was between a pack of sure mics, but they weren't the SM-57 pack. It was that PG style or whatever. So I just got the pack that had more mics for the buck.
(Audix Fusion series: 3 x f10, 1 x f12, 1 x f14 and 2 F15's)

Did I F*** up?


anonymous Thu, 12/01/2005 - 11:05

it sounds like you're in a position where the mic's themeslves won't matter much. The first 90% of a good drum-sound is experience and know-how on the part of the engineer. W/O that, you can track in a $200/h studio with a half-million $ worth of mics and outboard gear and still get a shitty drum sound.

Work with what you've got, when you're getting respectable tones from the Audix kit, then consider upgrading to pro-grade mics & preamps to take your mixes from good-to-great.




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