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Eliminating harsh frequencies during mastering

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Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 07/27/2004 - 12:02

Hey all..
I'm down to the mastering portion of my latest project (9 song rawk album, lotsa OD'd Les Pauls thru Marshalls, you get the idea).

In the past I have only used my T-Racks mastering software to bump up the overall volume, make things sound a little bit bigger etc..

This time around I would really like to dig in to other valuable features of this product, starting with EQ. While this project is above and beyond the best sounding project I've done, there is still that mid-hi harshness and lack of real tightness to the bottom that seems so prevalent in projects done by basically inexperienced folks such as myself.

I would be willing to post a few clips online to get some feedback on EQ from some of you you who have been around this block if I thought a few folks might listen and pass along some pointers...

Thanks a bunch,


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joe lambert

You're welcome. Since I posted this idea I have received a half dozen emails to do the same for others. Although I appreciate everyone's enthusiasm I don't have time to master everyone's music for free.
Nor do I want to turn this into a mastering competition. I'm just trying to help educate people on what mastering can do. At least as much as doing one song can help. Multiply that for every song on a particular record and you can start to understand it's impact.

Maybe when it's done CC can post the pre and post versions for people to check out.

Wed, 07/28/2004 - 08:19 Permalink