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ok i had the settings on my version of Cool Edit Pro, but i lost them when my systme crashed..
but now i can not figure out the guys web page where they were..i know it was on i think..and they were settings to make it sound like it was recorded on a condenser mic, but when u saved the settings it said to save them as "Salvadors" maybe something like that..if anyone knows what I'm talkin about or knows the site of where this is please let me know ASAP...THANK YOU !


anonymous Wed, 03/09/2005 - 15:21

Ok there was this site i found on google befor and it made my vocals real nice made um sound all most like they were recorded with a condenser mic..
but i lost all the setting for that and i can not find that damn web page i cant think of the name of it..i thought i got it off here but i cant find it on here..
but anyways it was salvadors mixing or some shit, i cant remember
if any dose please tell me


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