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isolated speech

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Submitted by aaron992 on

i've been using Audacity and other free programs to try and get speech from an audio recording i've legally taken ( my state is a one party record state) from my bedroom. i can make out some of the words but most of it i can`t understand. if anyone here knows where i can get a program to to where i can just hear the words being said i`d appreciate it or if someone here would like to try and get what the people are saying hmu and we`ll see what we can do.


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it's ok. I'm used to it. i'm having a damn hard time with it. i know at one point it says " I'm pretty sure it was aaron" and "that's all he does is make me puke, bluh" so obviously i want to be able to hear the whole thing but paying a huge amount of cash to a audio forensic isn't feasible. i can pay a good price but not $400 flat rate. i'm just looking for a program to get the words they're saying or if someone is interested maybe get someone a job lol.

Thu, 04/08/2021 - 18:35 Permalink
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Sorry but there are two things here that matter. I’m guessing you’re not experienced in communications? The easiest thing here is to find a local, old, radio ham. They have trained hearing that can pick out human speech through masses of noise, or an aviation professional who develop the same skills. Playing a recording of what these people hear and can understand can be a wow moment. They really got that? We are skilled in music work in the main, and our software is not designed for what you need. We can exaggerate range between loud and soft, we can filter bits out, we can remove interference and noise. However, you already have that software. What you don’t have, yet, are trained ears.

The other thing is that the recording may simply be useless for enhancement, but you have a need to hear it. We occasionally get these requests and, please don’t be offended, they’re rarely fixable, yet people believe they are, because to them it’s vital. Sadly, I expect your recording simply isnt ever going to be what you hope. There is no magic software. The nearest at the moment is Spectral Layers which is very clever, but I doubt it will be enough.

Fri, 04/09/2021 - 00:28 Permalink
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Well, yes - but I was rather assuming you wouldn't want to share it? Forgive me - but clearly there is an element of paranoia going on? You seem to be working on the basis that the result is already known and you just want evidence. You don't have the ear, so try it on people who might be able to help. Radio Hams, Pilots etc as I mentioned are already skilled in this and might give it a listen for a coffee. They'll tell you if it's recoverable and you sadly are just guessing. Tell you what - is there a piece with the problem that doesn't have any critical info? Post tens seconds of it and we'll tell you if you are wasting your time.

Fri, 04/09/2021 - 04:01 Permalink
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Ooh. I'm very sorry but my opinion is that that is not recoverable. The level is low and I expected lots of hiss when I brought it up but the predominant issue is the wide band low frequency noise up to about 1KHz and very little above it. The vital 300-3K section is a continuous rumble. I tried a few things on it, but removing the lower section leaves no useful information in the remaining audio. I would be surprised if anyone could extract anything else. I will give it a go later on Spectral Layers, to see if that can detect anything useful, but the recorder has done a spectacularly bad job here.

Fri, 04/09/2021 - 04:49 Permalink
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audiokid, post: 468515, member: 1 wrote:

aaron asked a question and that's your answer. Was that necessary?

i think t was a perfectly reasonable question.

first he says, "an audio recording i`ve legally taken ( my state is a one party record state)"

then he says, "i left the room to see what they would say when i wasnt around lol."

so he wasn't present and that makes it an illegal bug and he's asking us to participate after the fact in an illegal act. plus, i detest spying and eavesdropping. so yes, i think it was necessary.

Fri, 04/09/2021 - 07:48 Permalink
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went to the bathroom. it was still my bedroom and i was a party of the same conversation. this recording is over an hour long. this is a mere minute and a half of it. i also have a camera system thats in the room. the mic on it sucks worse than this lol, they knew it would be recorded regardless. it`s perfectly legal

paulers this was pretty much the worse of it, i don`t expect a miracle just trying to get as much info as possible. i got " what was the arrangement? don`t worry we`ll be out soon, "he makes me puke" that`s all he does is make me puke...blah"

Fri, 04/09/2021 - 09:04 Permalink
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Interesting - Here, we would record conversations without the legal stuff - I've no idea of the legal status, it's not something that comes up?

Is this not just domestic stuff? Do you need to know what they think? Working with radio mics for over 40 years, I know exactly what some people think of me because I hear it in all it's glory in the headphones, live. If I let it worry me, I'd have gone mad years ago!

Fri, 04/09/2021 - 09:09 Permalink
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We get this kind a questions 5-10 times a year.

Most of the time, if human hear can discerne the words, audio manipulations won't help.

What I'm used to answer is, you can't remove the egg from the cake.. When noises are louder that the voices and share the same frequencies... there isn't anything to be done..

In this case it is worst. The recording is distorted which mess it up further

One thing that puzzels me is " audio recording i`ve legally taken" Where is it legal to record people without their knowing ?

Sat, 04/10/2021 - 06:22 Permalink
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pcrecord, post: 468541, member: 46460 wrote:

We get this kind a questions 5-10 times a year.

Most of the time, if human hear can discerne the words, audio manipulations won't help.

What I'm used to answer is, you can't remove the egg from the cake.. When noises are louder that the voices and share the same frequencies... there isn't anything to be done..

In this case it is worst. The recording is distorted which mess it up further

One thing that puzzels me is " audio recording i`ve legally taken" Where is it legal to record people without their knowing ?

one party law states as long as you`re a part of a conversation or give written permission for someone to record the party that you`re a part of you dont have to tell anyone. in this case they were well aware of my security cams and knew it would be recorded regardless, i was simpply recording with more than one device

Sat, 04/10/2021 - 09:02 Permalink
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Being honest, you have two possibilities now. Either they knew you would be listening and said nothing, or they didn’t know and did not think you’d hear? Normal people do not have private conversations and think about moderating what they say. people don’t work like that. You think they do. Clearly, you are not thinking normally, so maybe you need some professional help here, and your question here is sadly, just a symptom of something else. We don’t know you, but you are exhibiting unusual behaviour. Not unique, but worthy of getting sorted so you get the root issue fixed, and that is nothing to do with audio I’m afraid.

Sun, 04/11/2021 - 00:22 Permalink
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define normal? it takes all walks of life to make this world go around. there was no moderating what was said. it was a normal discussion like any other day. i dont like being stolen from and i dont like to be lied to. before i accuse and point fingers i like to have proof. i caught this and other things. i was simply looking for help in understanding this more. ty for your time. btw i`m a cynic.

Sun, 04/11/2021 - 03:41 Permalink
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Normal, as in people getting on with their lives behaving like everyone does - me, you, everyone. When I am having a private chat, the notion that my chat is being recorded doesn't even come into my head. My son laughed at me the other day because of the conversation I had in the office with somebody - I'd forgotten the security camera had audio, and he was listening. I probably said a few un-PC things, I often do, and yet I totally ignored the recording possibility. This is what normal people do - in your case they were having a discussion and it was intended to be private. Maybe they should have thought you might hide a recorder in the room, but that would NOT be normal behaviour. Your recording them wasn't 'normal' either, although I appreciate you are certain they are being conspiratorial - but as I said, suspecting it and having it proved will not make you feel better.

Sun, 04/11/2021 - 11:36 Permalink