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I use stand alone recorders for all my recordings,when everything is said and done and all mixing/editing/processing/comp is completed,I send the music to a pc via Cubase LE (POS)for the simple purpose of being able to record a master @24 bit,and converter it to what ever I need,but come to find out,it will no longer let me convert to MP3 without updateing to a newer version for more $$$.
THe Cubase LE came bundled with an Alesis i02 interface.
Heres my question: What other options do I have to record a master CD @ 24 bit,should I update to Cubase SE?,or something else? If i do update to something else other than Cubase,will the interface still work?


anonymous Fri, 11/28/2008 - 01:48

You can burn the 24bit files to a DVD as data.

Can you list what you record with, what you capture to the computer with and what you want to do, as in what products do you want to end up with?

I know how it feels to have the LE version of something tell you the license for making mp3s or whatever has expired. It's annoying.
I have Sonar LE and it did the same thing.

anonymous Fri, 11/28/2008 - 03:29

Greener wrote: You can burn the 24bit files to a DVD as data.

Can you list what you record with, what you capture to the computer with and what you want to do, as in what products do you want to end up with?

I know how it feels to have the LE version of something tell you the license for making mp3s or whatever has expired. It's annoying.
I have Sonar LE and it did the same thing.

Thanks for the response Greener.

I presume the LE stands for "less expensive"?

I record on good old faithfull Roland VS880s slaved together (Old School)
After Im done with editing/mixing/processing/compression etc... I send the master left and right analog signals to an Alesis i02 interface,then to my pc for use with the CubaseLE in mastering mode,thats the only reason i use Cubase for.
The sound is clean and prestine,and Ive been able to convert to MP3@ 128,up untill now,I still have the ability of recording to cubase in wav,but cant convert to WMA,or,MP3.
What other options do I have