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A query here about getting from 24 bit 44.1 kHz sessions to 16 bit 44.1 kHz files.

Usually I BTD the session and import into a 24 bit session where I use mastering software and lastly POW-r dither on the master fader, then I bounce to a 16 bit file.

Should I really separate this combined stage into two stages ie. perform a 24 bit BTD of the mastering session and then open another session where the only processing is the dither plugin ?

thanks to any advisors!



anonymous Sat, 03/16/2002 - 12:12

I actually record the track into the session on a new track. Then save the session as SAVE AS and name it sessionmaster. Then delete all other tracks and clear the audio pool of everything but the master.

I don't know if this gives better quality but means if you destructively record a new master in your sessionmix file it is there automatically in the sessionmaster.

Also you can apply any mastering EQ/Compression on the master track and mix to it rather than applying it after. L1 , maximizer , or UV22 , digi's dither ( or whatever your bag is ) can be put in the mastertrack meaning a final BTD gives you your 16bit master. Saves disk space too.

Alécio Costa Tue, 03/19/2002 - 20:18

I record the main stereo out of my 02R console into PT . So the mix stays along with the session tracks. later, at the end of an album, I import all mixes into a MASTERING session, in 24 bits/48k.
Later, I aplly plugins like TC masterx, L1, Q10, and BTD.

But now I will do everything in 24bit/44.1khz.
Am I doing anything stupid? thanks for your comments.
