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Hi guys!

I haven`t been to for quite some time - looks good here!

I am asking for help on a research project I am doing for university. It would be great if you could aid us by answering this questionnaire. We need lots of data for our studies, so your input is very much appreciated. It would be great if you could mail your answers to me if you don`t want to post them publically (the address is at the end of the text)

Thanks for your help,
Stefan & Arne

Dear Participant!

This is a questionnaire developed by Arne von Ruschkowski and Stefan Goetsch, both students of musicology at the University of Hamburg, Germany. We are currently part of a research project investigating how the digital mediamorphosis (the change from analog media such as tape, vinyl, FM/AM radio and television to digital media like CD, mp3 and internet) affects music, from its creation to its distribution and its reception. Our focus lies on the production of music, especially in the process of mastering. That is why we developed this short questionnaire. We are depending on your input for our study. Feel free to answer as short or as long as you like. All the information you give us will be used strictly for scientific purposes only. If you would like to, we can send you the final essay, which will contain an English abstract. Thanks in advance for your participation!

Arne von Ruschkowski and Stefan Goetsch

Company Name:

Since when have you been mastering records?

What genres of music are you mastering mostly?

How would you define your role as a mastering engineer?

Generally, do artists/mixing engineers/record company executives consult with you regarding the sound of their record or are you free to decide on how to shape the sound?

Without giving away any trade secrets, could you give a short overview of your standard mastering setup?

What do you see as the advantages and disadvantage of digital mastering equipment as compared to analog equipment?

How did in your opinion mastering change during the past four decades from the mostly correctional process it was to the art form it is regarded as nowadays?

How did the transition from vinyl to CD affect the process of mastering?

What do you see as important trends in mastering both technically and sound wise over the time and today?

There has been much discussion going on regarding the perceived loudness of recordings. What has in your opinion triggered the rise in volume of CDs during the past decade?

What is your personal opinion on this subject?

How do you handle loudness when you master?

How will the process of mastering change as DVD and mp3 replace the CD as the primary medium? How will this affect the sound of the records?

Is there anything you would like to add that did not fit in with the questions?

Please email the questionnaire to or

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