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I'm attempting to setup a recording/mastering studio at my church. We currently have a Yamaha 01v96 digital board running 32 tracks.

My thoughts were to purchase an Alesis HD24 to record the audio and then master the audio on a PC. My question is, is there a better way of doing this and if not, what all-purpose audio software would you recommend?

I don't mind any learning curve, I just want to be able to mix and master high-quality audio. I look forward to hearing from you.

Oh, my first post. =) I didn't want it to be a question, but oh well! I hope to be really active here in a few weeks!


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anonymous Fri, 06/17/2005 - 11:10

High quality meaning the best that can be done with recording live sound in a larger room as well as the ability to utilize the same equipment in a small room recording session.

As far as budget is concerned, we don't have much of a budget for software as I don't know what level we'll need to be at. I have a PC that will suffice, high powered Athlon system with cooling and 2gig of RAM. So, if you factor that out, we'll probably want to stay under $5,000 or so. Hah, I'm not sure if that is even realistic.

I've found the Alesis HD24 as cheap as $1000, plus cables and a word clock puts us around $2500. Then, the firewire interface to go to the PC and the software we need. I'm assuming this is doable for under five grand.

I appreciate your responses. Thanks!


anonymous Tue, 06/21/2005 - 05:54


You will be able to mix live, using HD system.

This depends on mixing engeneer preference.
i think nobdy want to mix, using PC faders.

I recomment to buy multichannel card >=10 channels.
Without faders etc.

Then bye chap MIDI controller with faders.
Then use some piece of software to record on, like Cubase SX.

Then such setup will be suitable both for project studio and for live recording.