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the Audix om7 mic has a purpose built low output (0.9mV)
do you think a standard to cruddy p.a. in a rehearsal room would have enough gain to get the maximum volume before feedback from the mic?


moonbaby Tue, 02/21/2006 - 14:04

According to their website, that's the "purpose" of the lower sensitivity. BTW, the website is the lamest I've ever seen.
As far as the mic's ability to interface properly with a "cruddy" PA, who knows. Too many variables, like the bands SPL in the room, room reflections,etc will dictate volume-before-feedback. So will the vocal talent. I have seen many so-called vocalists who did not have the lungs to sing over the band complain that they couldn't be heard.
I have recommended Audix OM6s (and 7s) to other vocalists on this forum needing VBF. Some of them took my recommendation, some of them bought euro-crap ( I love my Beyers and Sennheisers, but not the ones they hype for that particular application) and then complained.
That's life.

Jim "Get an OM7 or get a New Gig" Moonbaby


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